2/27/10, 8:46 PM
India Standard Time}
Hello Everyone!!!!! Its THE time!!!! The time I started this blog last year...... Hmmm.... Time Flies!!!!! As always.....
It feels like just yesterday...... and it is already a year now..... The time My Blog "ASRA"...ASHAON KA, celebrates its first anniversary..... I am so happy on this accomplishment....
When I started, little did I know, about blogging...... & that I would be blogging seriously..... & would be bonding to make few new relationships, part of my life too.... People I did not know existed......till then, are a part of me now....They are a part of my conversations with my hubby..... their works of perfection, simplicity, elegance, glamor & most importantly DELICIOUSLY SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!!!
Just like Rashmi & Ruchika.... I was a newbie then too..... But sincerely it took me sometime to understand all the HTML things & other matters that involved.......But they have grown up to be Genius now, within a short span of time.... I now enjoy reading what they post & love to write for them tooo (comments)..... I then wondered how would I be awarded & when done, how would I collect them & from where & how would I flaunt them on my space...... How very 'New'bie, of me??????
I felt very much like a newcomer.... Like a kid who attends her first day at school...... & would just keep looking around at the atmosphere there, her teachers, other kids like her & some really extraordinary..... the veterans who are very experienced & big, the way they carry themselves, their attire, the way they speak, looking at all this, thinking that she is a no one & wondering, would she able to cope with all of that outstanding aura.... around....And then after a thought, managing herself, making up an imaginary sculpture of a Guru (teacher) like Guru Dronacharya & confiding in herself that she would be an Ekalavya.... who would try to master that subject, to prove herself....... I do not know if I have been able to prove myself..... but yes I am satisfied that I have been able to gain appreciations, from peeps all around....... Their candid expressions & love that they all share on me & my work are moments for me to be treasured.....
To be truthful ..... I would like to tell you that LOVE is the ONLY part of my treasure & accounts.... I am really happy & proud of it....... The more I spend, the more it increases..... The foundation of course was laid by Kuku - My Teenage Heart Throb, My Present Sweet Heart & My Future Love & support.......
Oh! I get carried away easily, though!!!! Traveling back with time..... Yes! It is anniversary time..... & I would take this opportunity to share about another newbie..... My lovey lovey newie...... Blog....... Dedicated for my crafty challenges..... I request all, to share your love on my new blog, supporting my Card Making Spree...too.....
URL : http://hastkala-oceanichope.blogspot.com/
Marking the Birthday of my Blog, I have made a card, to just symbolize & celebrate the day..... which is posted on my new blog.....
Any thoughts & suggestions.... to help me improve my space & my work....... is always a WELCOME!!!!! I would look forward to it eagerly.... on my toe...... ;-)
I could not do much yesterday to celebrate my Blog Anniversary..... I went hunting for my 'Card'inal paraphernalia...... So I missed on posting yesterday & even preparing something special to celebrate the occasion, unlike many others...... I know & have seen my fellow bloggers celebrating this blessed day...... with yummilicious cakes & such delicacies..... My hubby, on the way picked up some sweets to celebrate the day, though...... So I had a tiny get together.... with just me & Kuku......
After much thinking & rummaging my drafts, I found this dessert-not-posted.......... Hence thought of posting it today..... 'post' anniversary!!! - (Pun Intended ;-)
So here is the delicious Badam Halwa or the Almonds Pudding....... JUST FOR YOU!!!!!

Almonds (Badam, Baadaami) - 1 cup
Milk - 3/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 cup or as desired
Cardamom(Elaichi) - 4 pieces
Cashew nut - 10
Raisins - 10
Ghee - 3tbsp
Saffron (Kesar, Kesari) - 1 tsp or A pinch, Optional

Soak almonds in water for minimum 4 hours. Then peel the skin & grind it to make a corse textured paste....... Boil the milk & keep aside.... Fry the cashew & raisins in a tsp of ghee, till golden brown & keep aside.....
Now heat ghee in a thick bottomed vessel or a wok. Add the ground almond paste & stir fry for minimum 5 minutes or till the color changes & a sweet aroma is released......
NOTE: No attempting at escaping moments...... STIRRING HAS TO BE CONTINUOUS.... till the halwa is completely DONE...............

Now add the boiled or condensed milk & the cashews & raisins too......Stir fry further for 25 minutes, while the mixture bubbles or till all the milk is absorbed & the mixture leaves the sides of the vessel. Turn off the flame & add sugar.... Leave it 5 minutes to let the sugar dissolve.... When done mix it well & garnish. Serve it, ready to eat.....
So that was The Exotica from me to every single soul who shared their love on me & my blog........

I would like to make this a small Thanks Giving Ceremony......
First & foremost my Kuku, who bore all my delays, right from me preparing to prepare the food till the food was served...... He had to wait & wait, till I was all done with all my required arrangements & CLICKS!!!!!!! He would wait & I would just go Click! Click! Click! ;-) Many a times he had to even wait to bed, till I was done with all the punching of comments & appreciations on my fellow bloggers blogs...... And most of the preps that I have not only known but posted too, was because of his interest in cooking...... Thanks Kuku!!!!!
My brother Amrith, for making this space look so welcoming & NICE..... Breaking the ice of Monotony of a regular blog......He kinda customized it for me as far as possible, with few of his ideas & few of Ours..(both our heads put together :-) Thanks Amrith!!!!
My Amma for her shared recipes, some from Mangalorean Cuisine & some of her own..... My Badimaa (Dodamma) too for her share of preps...... My Maa in-law & Sisters in-law for all the Delicacies in-law, on my post..... If not for them, for the days I was with them & learn't few preps... most of my posts would not have happened...... Than Mangalorean preps, I have more of Bihari cuisine, listed & posted here..... for me as well as all...... Because all that I have learn't & cook is what they have shared & let me know..... Nothing of my own.....
Hence Thanks Amma, Dodamma, Maa, Bhabi & Deedi for all the support rendered!!!!!
Last but certainly not the least..... I owe all my thanks to this BLOGGYWOOD..... The Blog fraternity..... for all their time to time love, appreciations & comments ...... More than me, Kuku is so much addicted to reading them..... Early morning even before I would wake up, he would check my mail comments, when he checked his mails...... He would be so excited with all the words of admiration that people showered on me..... He felt happy that I had totally engaged myself in this..... He would just wait for me to wake up to share the comments with me.... & when he found no comments he would say, may be it is time for you to post your next...... He would not read them on my blog.... So, many a times even if I do with the comments on my blog, I would still leave the ones in my mail, untouched, only for him to read & relish!!!!!!! So that is the role that my fellow bloggers play in my life......
When I started, little did I know, about blogging...... & that I would be blogging seriously..... & would be bonding to make few new relationships, part of my life too.... People I did not know existed......till then, are a part of me now....They are a part of my conversations with my hubby..... their works of perfection, simplicity, elegance, glamor & most importantly DELICIOUSLY SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!!!
Just like Rashmi & Ruchika.... I was a newbie then too..... But sincerely it took me sometime to understand all the HTML things & other matters that involved.......But they have grown up to be Genius now, within a short span of time.... I now enjoy reading what they post & love to write for them tooo (comments)..... I then wondered how would I be awarded & when done, how would I collect them & from where & how would I flaunt them on my space...... How very 'New'bie, of me??????
I felt very much like a newcomer.... Like a kid who attends her first day at school...... & would just keep looking around at the atmosphere there, her teachers, other kids like her & some really extraordinary..... the veterans who are very experienced & big, the way they carry themselves, their attire, the way they speak, looking at all this, thinking that she is a no one & wondering, would she able to cope with all of that outstanding aura.... around....And then after a thought, managing herself, making up an imaginary sculpture of a Guru (teacher) like Guru Dronacharya & confiding in herself that she would be an Ekalavya.... who would try to master that subject, to prove herself....... I do not know if I have been able to prove myself..... but yes I am satisfied that I have been able to gain appreciations, from peeps all around....... Their candid expressions & love that they all share on me & my work are moments for me to be treasured.....
To be truthful ..... I would like to tell you that LOVE is the ONLY part of my treasure & accounts.... I am really happy & proud of it....... The more I spend, the more it increases..... The foundation of course was laid by Kuku - My Teenage Heart Throb, My Present Sweet Heart & My Future Love & support.......
Oh! I get carried away easily, though!!!! Traveling back with time..... Yes! It is anniversary time..... & I would take this opportunity to share about another newbie..... My lovey lovey newie...... Blog....... Dedicated for my crafty challenges..... I request all, to share your love on my new blog, supporting my Card Making Spree...too.....
URL : http://hastkala-oceanichope.blogspot.com/
Marking the Birthday of my Blog, I have made a card, to just symbolize & celebrate the day..... which is posted on my new blog.....
Any thoughts & suggestions.... to help me improve my space & my work....... is always a WELCOME!!!!! I would look forward to it eagerly.... on my toe...... ;-)
I could not do much yesterday to celebrate my Blog Anniversary..... I went hunting for my 'Card'inal paraphernalia...... So I missed on posting yesterday & even preparing something special to celebrate the occasion, unlike many others...... I know & have seen my fellow bloggers celebrating this blessed day...... with yummilicious cakes & such delicacies..... My hubby, on the way picked up some sweets to celebrate the day, though...... So I had a tiny get together.... with just me & Kuku......
After much thinking & rummaging my drafts, I found this dessert-not-posted.......... Hence thought of posting it today..... 'post' anniversary!!! - (Pun Intended ;-)
So here is the delicious Badam Halwa or the Almonds Pudding....... JUST FOR YOU!!!!!
Almonds (Badam, Baadaami) - 1 cup
Milk - 3/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 cup or as desired
Cardamom(Elaichi) - 4 pieces
Cashew nut - 10
Raisins - 10
Ghee - 3tbsp
Saffron (Kesar, Kesari) - 1 tsp or A pinch, Optional
Soak almonds in water for minimum 4 hours. Then peel the skin & grind it to make a corse textured paste....... Boil the milk & keep aside.... Fry the cashew & raisins in a tsp of ghee, till golden brown & keep aside.....
Now heat ghee in a thick bottomed vessel or a wok. Add the ground almond paste & stir fry for minimum 5 minutes or till the color changes & a sweet aroma is released......
NOTE: No attempting at escaping moments...... STIRRING HAS TO BE CONTINUOUS.... till the halwa is completely DONE...............
Now add the boiled or condensed milk & the cashews & raisins too......Stir fry further for 25 minutes, while the mixture bubbles or till all the milk is absorbed & the mixture leaves the sides of the vessel. Turn off the flame & add sugar.... Leave it 5 minutes to let the sugar dissolve.... When done mix it well & garnish. Serve it, ready to eat.....
So that was The Exotica from me to every single soul who shared their love on me & my blog........
I would like to make this a small Thanks Giving Ceremony......
First & foremost my Kuku, who bore all my delays, right from me preparing to prepare the food till the food was served...... He had to wait & wait, till I was all done with all my required arrangements & CLICKS!!!!!!! He would wait & I would just go Click! Click! Click! ;-) Many a times he had to even wait to bed, till I was done with all the punching of comments & appreciations on my fellow bloggers blogs...... And most of the preps that I have not only known but posted too, was because of his interest in cooking...... Thanks Kuku!!!!!
My brother Amrith, for making this space look so welcoming & NICE..... Breaking the ice of Monotony of a regular blog......He kinda customized it for me as far as possible, with few of his ideas & few of Ours..(both our heads put together :-) Thanks Amrith!!!!
My Amma for her shared recipes, some from Mangalorean Cuisine & some of her own..... My Badimaa (Dodamma) too for her share of preps...... My Maa in-law & Sisters in-law for all the Delicacies in-law, on my post..... If not for them, for the days I was with them & learn't few preps... most of my posts would not have happened...... Than Mangalorean preps, I have more of Bihari cuisine, listed & posted here..... for me as well as all...... Because all that I have learn't & cook is what they have shared & let me know..... Nothing of my own.....
Hence Thanks Amma, Dodamma, Maa, Bhabi & Deedi for all the support rendered!!!!!
Last but certainly not the least..... I owe all my thanks to this BLOGGYWOOD..... The Blog fraternity..... for all their time to time love, appreciations & comments ...... More than me, Kuku is so much addicted to reading them..... Early morning even before I would wake up, he would check my mail comments, when he checked his mails...... He would be so excited with all the words of admiration that people showered on me..... He felt happy that I had totally engaged myself in this..... He would just wait for me to wake up to share the comments with me.... & when he found no comments he would say, may be it is time for you to post your next...... He would not read them on my blog.... So, many a times even if I do with the comments on my blog, I would still leave the ones in my mail, untouched, only for him to read & relish!!!!!!! So that is the role that my fellow bloggers play in my life......
Hence, Thanks to YOU ALL!!!!!!!
It is also the time to flaunt few appreciations received from my blogger friends.......
Srilekha of Me & My Kitchen shared this beautiful TOFA, which I am really proud of, for participating in the EFM-Mutton Series, she held......

Jagruti from Joy Of Cooking shared this beautiful Smile, as a mark of her 50th post.....

& Suparna of Food Fascination shared these beautiful set of TOFAS...... I was quick to pick those pieces that were not a part of my 'Treasured Tofas' or 'Blogfares'........ Is it greedy????? Na! Nope....... I would say, it is just being aware of MY PICKS!!!!!! Is it not???? I thought so...... too........ ;-)

And me would not wanna be just a recipient, but would love to be a donor too...... Ooo! What expressions I use sometimes???? It surprises me too..... that I can connect things..... Sometimes very cleverly... & sometimes very amusingly (not exact funnily, but weirdly too)..........
Dhan Tana!!!!! Here's this piece that I made as a token of my LOVE to YOU ALL........ Marking my time of celebration...... Kindly accept........ :-)

Another year of Colors & Joy!!!!! I wish everyone a very Happy Holi!!!!!
It is also the time to flaunt few appreciations received from my blogger friends.......
Srilekha of Me & My Kitchen shared this beautiful TOFA, which I am really proud of, for participating in the EFM-Mutton Series, she held......
Jagruti from Joy Of Cooking shared this beautiful Smile, as a mark of her 50th post.....
& Suparna of Food Fascination shared these beautiful set of TOFAS...... I was quick to pick those pieces that were not a part of my 'Treasured Tofas' or 'Blogfares'........ Is it greedy????? Na! Nope....... I would say, it is just being aware of MY PICKS!!!!!! Is it not???? I thought so...... too........ ;-)
And me would not wanna be just a recipient, but would love to be a donor too...... Ooo! What expressions I use sometimes???? It surprises me too..... that I can connect things..... Sometimes very cleverly... & sometimes very amusingly (not exact funnily, but weirdly too)..........
Dhan Tana!!!!! Here's this piece that I made as a token of my LOVE to YOU ALL........ Marking my time of celebration...... Kindly accept........ :-)
Another year of Colors & Joy!!!!! I wish everyone a very Happy Holi!!!!!
A 2 Z Vegetarian CuisineFebruary 27, 2010 at 9:00 PM
Hey Congrats !!!! for all your awards...nice idea to celebrate with badam halwa..
Aruna ManikandanFebruary 27, 2010 at 9:16 PM
Congratulations on ur first milestone dear!!!!!!
and for all ur well deserved awards
Badam Halwa looks delicious :-)
LathaFebruary 27, 2010 at 9:44 PM
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Lovely badam halwa.
NithyaFebruary 27, 2010 at 10:22 PM
Wowww.... Congrats buddy for your lovely year of blogging. You have given us a lot of interesting recipes. :) Wish you good luck for the future and buddy welcome to the art blogging world. :) Will be following your there as well. :)
Sushma MallyaFebruary 27, 2010 at 10:49 PM
Congraz for completing one year ash,& wishing you many more such blog anniversaries...wish to see many such yummy dishes as this halwa, perfect one to celebrate this spl occasion...and congraz on all your awards too...and may u get lots and lots more for your wonderful blog...saw your new blog too,it looks great,will visit often...have a great weekend,take care ash
Lady BohemeFebruary 27, 2010 at 11:19 PM
Delicious and beautiful recipe! Kiss
SuparnaFebruary 27, 2010 at 11:19 PM
hi Asha,
Congratulations on ur blog anniversary!!wishing u many more enjoyable years of blogging :)
Congratulations on all the awards.
Badam halwa ozzes richness, so is a great way to celebrate!!
Congratulations on ur art blog too!
AnuFebruary 27, 2010 at 11:36 PM
congrats on ur blog anniversary... Yummy halwa.. mouthwatering..
Cool Lassi(e)February 27, 2010 at 11:56 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
JagrutiFebruary 28, 2010 at 1:10 AM
Congrats Ash !! badam halwa looks so delicious and yummy..;-)) waiting for more posts from you..have a wonderful Holi!!
AyshaFebruary 28, 2010 at 1:31 AM
Hey Asha...congrats on all ur well deserved awards...i loved the badam halwa...nice pics...will definitely try this out!!!
FathimaFebruary 28, 2010 at 1:36 AM
Congrats on ur anniversary and love the way u shared ur story of this first year.... Yummy Badam Halwa too.. Good Luck for ur new blog!
Sailaja DamodaranFebruary 28, 2010 at 1:43 AM
Congrats!!!!!! & wish u all the success...
~ LopaFebruary 28, 2010 at 1:43 AM
Congrats...Happy 1st anniversary of your blog :)
That Badam Halwa is yummm :)
PavithraFebruary 28, 2010 at 2:00 AM
Mmmmmmmmm lovely badam halwa.. Congrats on your blog anniversary. All the best and congrats on ur awards too. Wish you more like this. Keep rocking.
ReplyDeleteLaavanyaFebruary 28, 2010 at 3:03 AM
Congratulations on your blog anniversary... the badam halwa texture looks perfect!
Daisy BlueFebruary 28, 2010 at 4:38 AM
Congrats on your achievement Asha :)
Badam halwa is so yummy
Ms.ChitchatFebruary 28, 2010 at 9:12 AM
Loved your writing alongwith a delicious dish to go with it. The final outcome is so tempting I could grab some. Congrats on ur awards, u truly deserve those and humbly accepting ur thanks too :):) Best wishes on ur Blog Ann and look forward for many more awesome recipes accompanied by ur wonderful eloquence as always.
SUFFIXFebruary 28, 2010 at 11:45 AM
Congrats Ash for the anniversary, celebrating with delicious badam Halwa. Keep on rocking :)
AshKukuFebruary 28, 2010 at 12:15 PM
My heartfelt congrats on completing one year. I agree this wouldn't have been possible if not for your hubby and family. Its a pleasure to read all your posts filled with love for your family.
Anywayz congrats on the birth of your new blog!The halwa looks like it would slip from my mouth to the throaty..like edible silk. Beautiful!
February 27, 2010 11:56 PM
JulieFebruary 28, 2010 at 12:51 PM
"Badam exotica" sounds interesting. will try it out.
BharathyFebruary 28, 2010 at 2:25 PM
Congrats on your Blog anniversary,Ash! :)Wishing you many more blogging years!! :)...
Hugs for that sweet comment in my place!..even I am so proud to have brought an Indian festival to the fore! :)
జ్యోతిFebruary 28, 2010 at 5:49 PM
Asha, my heartful congratulations on ur blog anniversary. and thanks for yummy badam halwa..
simply.foodFebruary 28, 2010 at 7:55 PM
Congrats on your 1st anniversary.Wishing you lots more to come.Another award awaits you on my blog pls collect.Almond halwa looks great.
RVMarch 1, 2010 at 5:06 AM
Happy Blog Anniversary Asha.... Wishing you more success.... and that is one delicious bowl of badam halwa..... way to celebrate the ocassion.
LGMarch 1, 2010 at 6:22 AM
Belated birthday to your blog. If you still have that bowl of halwa do mail it to me :D Oh man..it looks so very tempting..slurrpp!
Ramya ManjaMarch 1, 2010 at 9:09 AM
Wow Congrats Ash on ur blog anniversary...The Dessert looks sooper tempting...As always well write up...
JGHMarch 1, 2010 at 9:50 AM
My mouth is watering looking at this. I wish my daughter didn't have an allergy to tree nuts. We have to be very careful with almonds, but I do love them.
Happy Anniversary!! Glad to have found your blog.
sangiMarch 1, 2010 at 12:01 PM
Happy holi to u dear!
n congratz on ur blog anniversary...keep rocking
CAHİDEMarch 1, 2010 at 12:36 PM
Çok güzel görünüyor! Bizim ülkemizde de yapılır."Un helvası" deriz...
ReplyDeleteFimèreMarch 1, 2010 at 4:06 PM
bravo pour ces prix tu les mérites pour la générosité de ton blog
ta recette à l'air divine, j'en raffole
bonne journée
NeetzMarch 1, 2010 at 4:45 PM
Asha sweeetieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....superb halwa dear :)..congrats on one year completion and as u r ur blog is just awesome dear :)
vineethaMarch 1, 2010 at 8:05 PM
Congrats on your anniversery and for giving birth to your newbie...Will visit that space as soon as I leave this comment.
Badam halwa looks so yummy...Happy holi to you dear
Sarah NaveenMarch 1, 2010 at 8:12 PM
Happy Anniversary to ur bloggy babe!!!! Badam halwa looks awesome..
Renuka Bedre - RaoMarch 1, 2010 at 10:17 PM
Congratulations dearie on such a wonderful year completion..Happy holi to u n ur family!!! Badam Halwa looks fabulous! m really glad u created this new blog..its really gr8 to c all ur creativity!!!
VaniMarch 1, 2010 at 10:43 PM
Happy Anniversary, Ash!! Loved your li'l Thanksgiving bit. Cute :) And yeaeah, the badam halwa is the perfect celebratory recipe.
BabliMarch 1, 2010 at 11:50 PM
Wish you and your family a very Happy Holi.
Halwa looks delicious, yummy and tempting. I appreciate for your wonderful presentation.
Ramya VijaykumarMarch 2, 2010 at 2:16 AM
HAppy Holi, congrats on your blog anniversary... The badam halwa looks very tempting and congrats on your awards1!!
kothiyavunuMarch 2, 2010 at 6:04 AM
Congratulations on your blog anniversary.Wishing you more success.Perfect recipe to celebrate Delicious & Mouthwatering badam halwa.:)
♥LOVE2COOK♥March 2, 2010 at 7:59 PM
Hi Ash, new to ur beautiful blog! ;)
Happy Blogoversary and congratz on the awards!
Badam Halva...uhhhhh! yumm...no words, just drool! :D~
ruchikacooksMarch 3, 2010 at 2:49 AM
Congrats on the Tofas..Before you go cracking on crackers, how about sending some entries to my event..Home remedies? Hope you saw the announcement..
You are awake? It should be early morning!
tinaMarch 3, 2010 at 6:08 PM
CONGRATS to you on your one year anniversary! Awesome job and you described your venture into blogdom the same way I think I would too. It can be intimidating at first then gets better. And it is so wonderful KuKu takes an interest! Here's to many more years of blogging.
FazelaMarch 4, 2010 at 10:01 AM
Many many congratulations and wishes on your blog anniversary!!!
Lady BohemeMarch 4, 2010 at 7:19 PM
Hi Ash, thanks for your nice comment. Kisses
ARUNAMarch 4, 2010 at 10:09 PM
Hi Asha, i guess i'm late in congratulating....but der aaye durust aaye....congrats on all those awards dear, you deserve many more and congrats on ur blog anniversary.....i'm so bad i didn't even remember when my blog turned 1!!!
BTW Badam halwa looks good yaar, mere pati ka mann pasand meetha!
ReplyDeleteShama NagarajanMarch 4, 2010 at 10:58 PM
nice blog recipe..yummy tempting halwa...am following your blog
SarahMarch 4, 2010 at 11:37 PM
Oh wow! I'm late, but congratulations! :) And the recipes looks deeeelicious! *drools*
DEESHAMarch 5, 2010 at 2:39 PM
Badam Halwa looks delectable .. Happy Birthday to yr blog
JagrutiMarch 5, 2010 at 7:03 PM
Hi Ash
an award is waiting you at my place for you..plz come and collect it..
PavithraMarch 6, 2010 at 2:38 AM
Hi dear,
Regd the okra dosa nothing will happen if you grind the okra with rice. No slimy or sticky..But for adding the sliced okras you need to add it before you make dosa. Otherwise for grinding nothing will happen..Try and let me know.
erifiliMarch 6, 2010 at 8:45 PM
Hello Asha, the better way to celebrate your blog's anniversary with badam halwa.Yummy. Happy birthday to your blog.
Lady BohemeMarch 7, 2010 at 2:56 AM
Hi Ash, ho dei premi per te, se ti fa piacere, sono tuoi, un bacio
FimèreMarch 7, 2010 at 4:41 PM
I offer a price on my blog to celebrate the arrival of spring
good weekend
AshKukuMarch 7, 2010 at 6:25 PM
Thank You One & All for all the love showered on me & my post...... GOD BLESS!!!!!
KFBMarch 8, 2010 at 3:05 AM
Hi Asha,
I am little late to wish. Happy blog Anniversary!!!Congrats on completing a year :) Happy blogging for many more years!!! That Badam halwa looks sooooo yummy.
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