11/15/09, 11:26 PM
India Standard Time}
During my childhood days, we used the steel tumblers or stainless steel glasses for all drinking purposes..... Be it water, juice "because we as kids would drop & break 'the' drinking glasses", coffee, tea, etc., etc., Both at Mangalore as well as Bangalore.... As we grew up...we got to drink our juices & shakes in 'Glass' glasses. Still we generally had our daily beverages, hot or cold, in steel glasses only.....
We got to drink hot beverages in these designed ceramic cups only after college.... & that too with guests visiting us..... not otherwise... But now after wedding the practice has changed....We use the respective cups, glass or mugs for respective beverages.... Funny!!!! I feel now.... thinking, I drank all the drinking stuff in a steel glass..... Ewww!!!!!
Now Oh! I am in love with all of these..... I fantasize them so much that I love owning them... all those nice pieces that I come across.... I want them to adorn my shelves.....
As it had been quite some time since I posted & there was no recipe that was extra ordinarily exclusive.... for, right now I've all simple recipes in my drafts.... I thought what else could I post about.....
While I drank my evening Tea, my brain struck one!!!!!!! & this thought ran down....Hickory, dickory, dock.... My eyes ran up the clock..... And I thought I had to hurry with the relevant pics for my post....
These are my favorite evening Tea Mugs..... Sip on it relaxing on Rugs..... just the two of us with lots of Hugs.....

Hence posting this write up.....so as to remember my mugs & cups, even when I'm old, & even when they are not there..... if broken & thrown into a bin..... Hmmmm...........Because many of them (mugs & cups) are already deceased.... SO I WOULD DEDICATE THIS POST TO ALL MY DECEASED CUPS & MUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Awesome Thought!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!I will never be able to forget my beloved cups & mugs...... those that I broke or my hubby or even my maids for that matter....HA!

But not all, I have here, as there is no enough space to display them.... Few are still up the attic cabinet, unpacked........ May be some day when I make space for them, I will flaunt them here.....& 'Mortalize' them too.....My Beloved cups & mugs would still be remembered even after I'm gone..... LONG LIVE my MUGS & CUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well as a child the only mug I knew was the one used for all bathroom purposes..... But now it has emerged to be an exclusive possession....for "drinking" purposes too.........
My hubby just prepared a cup of tea for me as I am writing this........ Yum it was.... LOVE HIM!!!!
Ok..... Now these are my favorite "cup teas" as they are popularly called in Bihar..... I loved them the very first time I tasted tea in them.....during my first visit to Bodh Gaya by train... the raw scent of mud (सौंदी सौंदी खुशबू) plus the aroma of tea leaves..... Hmmmmmmmm.........

Very raw, earthen cups also called as Kulhads (disposable cups made of clay).... One drawback I noticed was, since the cups are raw, it tends to absorb the tea...which in turn reduces the quantity in the cup..... I went hunting to buy these cups & found the below in one of the shops & without second thought, bought some 3 different sets..... I gifted one set to mom & kept the rest for myself.....
These are well polished & custom made to suit our city lives.... to suit the microwave heating.....The look gives that extra zing, when u serve tea to your guests..... & I love that....!!!!! So these are the two kinds...that I own...

My ceramic tea spoon.... just one left of a lovely pair.... My hubby masters the art of breaking most of my kitchen appliances. He just attempts something else & in the process my stuffs around are termed "DEAD". Oh!!!! My!!!! I taunt him about it always..... that "please do not indulge much in my kitchen, I want my belongings intact" ROFL!!!!!
It is really cute & small.... I like the shape & feel of it....

Though he has broken many, and as he still understands my love for it..... he bought me these lovely Coffee Day Mugs on this Birthday.... It was a cute gesture of love.... accompanied by flowers & my favorite chocolate fantasy..... It was a memorable birthday, indeed.... So extra love & admiration for these mugs.....

These are my first Coffee Day Mugs.... I love them... When we have our coffees there at Coffee Day, they serve us with hot Cappuccino, in the white version of these cups... Hence I told Kuku, that I wanted the Black versions as they are not that 'common'..... & Yes! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL............ But I have never used them at home.... The quantity that we prepare at home or rather the amount of tea or coffee that we both drink is so little, that as soon as I pour the beverage into these cups, it would turn cold... & I love cold coffee only when it is from Coffee Day & not otherwise....

Haan! These cups are one of my favorites too....for two reasons.... one because my mom got these for me from Italy, during her Europe tour.... She also got me my first Love In Paris by Nina Ricci ..... That gesture meant a lot to me.... Though I was not with her to accompany her... she still remembered my love for mugs & she got me that souvenier...... She also got me some lovely key chains & a small chweet clutch kinda purse to treasure my coins..... hmmm!!! & a face mirror too..... I still have them...never used any one of them for I did not want them to be history soon.... treasured for my daughter, I guess.... lemme see......;-)

Oh! I simply love these mugs.... aren't they lovely?????? I would not be able to use them too for sure.... may be till I finish my beverage, the thought would be that it would fall off, because of its shape......
Leaning Tower of Pisa, u c!!!!!!!!

The Made for Eachother mug, was my first mug experience..... The first mug I bought for my Kuku.... & that was on our first anniversary of our dating..... Feb 14, 1994.... he had proposed to me.... & I gifted him this mug on Feb 14, 1995...... So this is also emotionally attached to me... Part of my love life.... part of my entire life....
And I think I gifted Kuku the 'Worlds Best Sweetheart' mug on his birthday... may be 2004.... I was on my first job then..... I always bought him something or the other.... I loved to surprise him & forever would..... Hmmmmm...... I love surprises too....... ;-p
And those two black mugs are also from coffee day..... Kuku gave them to me as a surprise.... some day.... Casually........

Forget the glasses behind.... Nope!!!! how can we forget them.... I drink my juices, shakes & soft drinks in them now, after the so called 'Steel Glass Saga'........

And this Beer mug.... I think I bought this, from Forum, Kormangla,Bangalore..... I liked its uniqueness.... It is a bamboo product.....good to look at.... And a Big Mug too..... holding it in my hand made me feel, "high" like a Historic American Cowboy, feels over his mug with whatever!!!! in it.....
It is a part of my "Beers To You" award too......
Beers to One & All!!!!!!!!!

Last but certainly not the least......... My favorites...... My Mortar & Pestle...... I'm crazy of these too... May be I'm crazy of anything & everything unique, on this earth...... I use the marble one, sometimes to crush the cardamoms, but the wooden one, never used till date.... It is just there to add to my pride, to adorn my shelf.... The name it self is so very ....... Mortar & Pestle.... God knows who termed them so.... The Etymology says it's derived from some classical terms....Good!!!! And I own just two....

I still own these pieces... which are so nice & dear to me... I feel proud of them.....
And YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO MILESTONES!!!!!!!!!!!!
One, this is my 75th post of my blog...... My "ASRA"...ASHAON KA ....................... ;-)
And the other is, My 50th Follower in my "ASRA PANTHIS" .... And who is Anu from Anu's Yummy Recipes..... Thank You Anu..... It meant a lot..... As that makes my belief in me stronger.....
Hence I would love to Certify Anu, with this piece of gratitude...... Kindly Accept it Anu..... :-)

I would also take this opportunity to thank my Blog Fraternity, who have passed on their lovely awards.......
I thank Shailaja & Sangeeta for passing on the animated Yummylicious award & The 2009 Blogger Appreciation Award.....Too cool!!!!

Thank You Shailaja for passing on this Interesting award too......

Thank You Shailja, Esai Selvi, Pavithra..... for passing on this colorful best food blog award.....

Thank You Christina & Pavitra for passing on this Mug of Beer to this deer...... ;-p

Thank You Pavitra for letting me own it too......I love those yum looking pan cakes...ready with a spoon to transfer it to my plate.....

Thank You Priyadarshini for passing on this Yummy Lolly & slurpy Thank You..........

Thank you Babli for considering my blog, worth of these 4 below flaunted awards.... It meant a lot, to see my name in the list..... The thought that I was on your mind, when u punched in those names..... Ignites my enthusiasm to the core....
Thanks to Aysha for passing it on......

And Last But of course not the least I would like to thank Shailaja for passing on this creative & beautiful award for fresh ideas......

THANK YOU ONE & ALL........... AGAIN............. HAPPY BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got to drink hot beverages in these designed ceramic cups only after college.... & that too with guests visiting us..... not otherwise... But now after wedding the practice has changed....We use the respective cups, glass or mugs for respective beverages.... Funny!!!! I feel now.... thinking, I drank all the drinking stuff in a steel glass..... Ewww!!!!!
Now Oh! I am in love with all of these..... I fantasize them so much that I love owning them... all those nice pieces that I come across.... I want them to adorn my shelves.....
As it had been quite some time since I posted & there was no recipe that was extra ordinarily exclusive.... for, right now I've all simple recipes in my drafts.... I thought what else could I post about.....
While I drank my evening Tea, my brain struck one!!!!!!! & this thought ran down....Hickory, dickory, dock.... My eyes ran up the clock..... And I thought I had to hurry with the relevant pics for my post....
These are my favorite evening Tea Mugs..... Sip on it relaxing on Rugs..... just the two of us with lots of Hugs.....
Hence posting this write up.....so as to remember my mugs & cups, even when I'm old, & even when they are not there..... if broken & thrown into a bin..... Hmmmm...........Because many of them (mugs & cups) are already deceased.... SO I WOULD DEDICATE THIS POST TO ALL MY DECEASED CUPS & MUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Awesome Thought!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!I will never be able to forget my beloved cups & mugs...... those that I broke or my hubby or even my maids for that matter....HA!
But not all, I have here, as there is no enough space to display them.... Few are still up the attic cabinet, unpacked........ May be some day when I make space for them, I will flaunt them here.....& 'Mortalize' them too.....My Beloved cups & mugs would still be remembered even after I'm gone..... LONG LIVE my MUGS & CUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well as a child the only mug I knew was the one used for all bathroom purposes..... But now it has emerged to be an exclusive possession....for "drinking" purposes too.........
My hubby just prepared a cup of tea for me as I am writing this........ Yum it was.... LOVE HIM!!!!
Ok..... Now these are my favorite "cup teas" as they are popularly called in Bihar..... I loved them the very first time I tasted tea in them.....during my first visit to Bodh Gaya by train... the raw scent of mud (सौंदी सौंदी खुशबू) plus the aroma of tea leaves..... Hmmmmmmmm.........
Very raw, earthen cups also called as Kulhads (disposable cups made of clay).... One drawback I noticed was, since the cups are raw, it tends to absorb the tea...which in turn reduces the quantity in the cup..... I went hunting to buy these cups & found the below in one of the shops & without second thought, bought some 3 different sets..... I gifted one set to mom & kept the rest for myself.....
These are well polished & custom made to suit our city lives.... to suit the microwave heating.....The look gives that extra zing, when u serve tea to your guests..... & I love that....!!!!! So these are the two kinds...that I own...
My ceramic tea spoon.... just one left of a lovely pair.... My hubby masters the art of breaking most of my kitchen appliances. He just attempts something else & in the process my stuffs around are termed "DEAD". Oh!!!! My!!!! I taunt him about it always..... that "please do not indulge much in my kitchen, I want my belongings intact" ROFL!!!!!
It is really cute & small.... I like the shape & feel of it....
Though he has broken many, and as he still understands my love for it..... he bought me these lovely Coffee Day Mugs on this Birthday.... It was a cute gesture of love.... accompanied by flowers & my favorite chocolate fantasy..... It was a memorable birthday, indeed.... So extra love & admiration for these mugs.....
These are my first Coffee Day Mugs.... I love them... When we have our coffees there at Coffee Day, they serve us with hot Cappuccino, in the white version of these cups... Hence I told Kuku, that I wanted the Black versions as they are not that 'common'..... & Yes! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL............ But I have never used them at home.... The quantity that we prepare at home or rather the amount of tea or coffee that we both drink is so little, that as soon as I pour the beverage into these cups, it would turn cold... & I love cold coffee only when it is from Coffee Day & not otherwise....
Haan! These cups are one of my favorites too....for two reasons.... one because my mom got these for me from Italy, during her Europe tour.... She also got me my first Love In Paris by Nina Ricci ..... That gesture meant a lot to me.... Though I was not with her to accompany her... she still remembered my love for mugs & she got me that souvenier...... She also got me some lovely key chains & a small chweet clutch kinda purse to treasure my coins..... hmmm!!! & a face mirror too..... I still have them...never used any one of them for I did not want them to be history soon.... treasured for my daughter, I guess.... lemme see......;-)
Oh! I simply love these mugs.... aren't they lovely?????? I would not be able to use them too for sure.... may be till I finish my beverage, the thought would be that it would fall off, because of its shape......
Leaning Tower of Pisa, u c!!!!!!!!
The Made for Eachother mug, was my first mug experience..... The first mug I bought for my Kuku.... & that was on our first anniversary of our dating..... Feb 14, 1994.... he had proposed to me.... & I gifted him this mug on Feb 14, 1995...... So this is also emotionally attached to me... Part of my love life.... part of my entire life....
And I think I gifted Kuku the 'Worlds Best Sweetheart' mug on his birthday... may be 2004.... I was on my first job then..... I always bought him something or the other.... I loved to surprise him & forever would..... Hmmmmm...... I love surprises too....... ;-p
And those two black mugs are also from coffee day..... Kuku gave them to me as a surprise.... some day.... Casually........
Forget the glasses behind.... Nope!!!! how can we forget them.... I drink my juices, shakes & soft drinks in them now, after the so called 'Steel Glass Saga'........
And this Beer mug.... I think I bought this, from Forum, Kormangla,Bangalore..... I liked its uniqueness.... It is a bamboo product.....good to look at.... And a Big Mug too..... holding it in my hand made me feel, "high" like a Historic American Cowboy, feels over his mug with whatever!!!! in it.....
It is a part of my "Beers To You" award too......
Beers to One & All!!!!!!!!!
Last but certainly not the least......... My favorites...... My Mortar & Pestle...... I'm crazy of these too... May be I'm crazy of anything & everything unique, on this earth...... I use the marble one, sometimes to crush the cardamoms, but the wooden one, never used till date.... It is just there to add to my pride, to adorn my shelf.... The name it self is so very ....... Mortar & Pestle.... God knows who termed them so.... The Etymology says it's derived from some classical terms....Good!!!! And I own just two....
I still own these pieces... which are so nice & dear to me... I feel proud of them.....
And YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO MILESTONES!!!!!!!!!!!!
One, this is my 75th post of my blog...... My "ASRA"...ASHAON KA ....................... ;-)
And the other is, My 50th Follower in my "ASRA PANTHIS" .... And who is Anu from Anu's Yummy Recipes..... Thank You Anu..... It meant a lot..... As that makes my belief in me stronger.....
Hence I would love to Certify Anu, with this piece of gratitude...... Kindly Accept it Anu..... :-)
I would also take this opportunity to thank my Blog Fraternity, who have passed on their lovely awards.......
I thank Shailaja & Sangeeta for passing on the animated Yummylicious award & The 2009 Blogger Appreciation Award.....Too cool!!!!
Thank You Shailaja for passing on this Interesting award too......
Thank You Shailja, Esai Selvi, Pavithra..... for passing on this colorful best food blog award.....
Thank You Christina & Pavitra for passing on this Mug of Beer to this deer...... ;-p
Thank You Pavitra for letting me own it too......I love those yum looking pan cakes...ready with a spoon to transfer it to my plate.....
Thank You Priyadarshini for passing on this Yummy Lolly & slurpy Thank You..........
Thank you Babli for considering my blog, worth of these 4 below flaunted awards.... It meant a lot, to see my name in the list..... The thought that I was on your mind, when u punched in those names..... Ignites my enthusiasm to the core....
Thanks to Aysha for passing it on......
And Last But of course not the least I would like to thank Shailaja for passing on this creative & beautiful award for fresh ideas......
THANK YOU ONE & ALL........... AGAIN............. HAPPY BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool Lassi(e)November 19, 2009 at 2:08 AM
well, some collection of cups,mugs and awards, i must say! Congrats on your successful acquisition of all three.
Cool Lassi(e)November 19, 2009 at 2:20 AM
I saw the Twilight banner and I was like, wooohooo..another Twilight fan..I love love love that Saga by Ms.Meyer. Stop by my site sometime today, coz I will be posting something interesting in honor of the series and my most favorite vamp of all times: Edward Cullen.
Sarah NaveenNovember 19, 2009 at 2:51 AM
So lovely..thats a huge collection of cups...i love all those as each one is better than the best :)
Congrats on the award shower too...
Sailaja DamodaranNovember 19, 2009 at 2:57 AM
Congrats!!!!!!! what a lovely collection.....amaizing.Keep rocking
prasuNovember 19, 2009 at 3:07 AM
wow......Asha lovely write up dear...love all ur collection of cups and glasses...among all that cought my attention are those cute earten pots....I to adore them a lot.....whish you to collect many more cups and glasses of sweet memories.....
kothiyavunuNovember 19, 2009 at 4:51 AM
I so enjoyed reading your post. I loved all ur cups & mug collections and beatuiful presentations. Everything was just lovely.
Congrats on all ur well deserved awards..Keep rocking dear!!!!!
Sushma MallyaNovember 19, 2009 at 11:30 AM
u got a nice collection,i really liked some of them,congraz on ur awards ash...u truely deserve each and every award..keep it going
PadhuNovember 19, 2009 at 12:50 PM
Wow! You have a lovely collection Dear. Each one is unique.Slowly sipping and drinking beverage in these cups is a real pleasure, isn't it? Congrats on all your awards.
my kitchenNovember 19, 2009 at 1:01 PM
Nice collection of mugs,I enjoyed ur sweet memories along with the mugs.Congrats on ur awards
RohiniNovember 19, 2009 at 1:39 PM
Beautiful collection Asha.. Just loved those black mugs, black is my fav color and my hubby hates black mugs...So we always end up fighting!! ;)
Those little earthern cups reminded me of my trip to Bodh Gaya, where we kids used to drink the tea and throw the cup in the platform and see whose cup broke into more pieces..Silly huh? Still I managed to bring some back home and they are now in my showcase in India..
Lovely write up dear and congrats on all your awards and milestones!! Keep rocking :)
ChitchatNovember 19, 2009 at 5:11 PM
Did you realise how lovely your post has developed bcos of ur lovely mugs? Indeed, you sure do have a good collection. Enjoyed reading:):) Bcos of microwave, preparing tea or coffee is easy with these mugs, but still I enjoy drinking my morning coffee in Steel Tumbler (Chennai style :):)
SanjanaNovember 19, 2009 at 6:37 PM
Look at all these cool mugs!!! The ones made of clay are my favourites... I think it's so funny that they absorb the tea- they must be thirsty! ;) Congrats on all of you awards! Wish you many more in the future!
SuparnaNovember 19, 2009 at 7:53 PM
Hey Asha,
That was a sweet write up on the collection of things u have :) u have a wonderful collection of mugs I must say! and a same pinch on that coz even I'm a crazy bug when it comes to mugs;o enjoyed reading the post and the pics too, hearty congratulations on the awards shower! wish u many more!
God Bless
AshwiniNovember 19, 2009 at 10:10 PM
wow.. wonderful collection!!!!congrats on ur awards
MeeraNovember 19, 2009 at 10:18 PM
You have a lovely collection. Loved the kulhad cups the most. I have kulhads too but not with the handles. I kept staring at those beauties for a long time!!:-D Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteArchyNovember 20, 2009 at 12:46 AM
wow, nice collection of mugs.. Hey, congrats on ur awards..
kitchen queenNovember 20, 2009 at 1:11 AM
Wow a wonderful collection of assorted mugs and other things and congrats dear for all ur beautiful deserving awards and wish u get more appreciated and awards in the future.
Divija ReddyNovember 20, 2009 at 4:14 PM
Hi Asha, I am a new follower to ur blog, Divija. I left u a msg via that email thingy in ur blog. Hope u got my mail! I have a couple of ur followers as mine, too! Thanks to ur place! Your blog is one kind of it! Great work
BharathyNovember 21, 2009 at 7:08 PM
That's some collection! :)..
Cute!! :)
Well, we too grew up drinking hot or cold in steel tumblers..errr..and I still love that way! :)
DEESHANovember 22, 2009 at 11:40 AM
nice collection .. I too have my fave bloack mug & I mostly have my coffee & tea in that
BabliNovember 22, 2009 at 1:27 PM
Heartiest congratulations for your awards. What a lovely collection of cups and mugs. Wonderful pictures.
Aruna ManikandanNovember 23, 2009 at 12:06 PM
Hi Asha.....
First time here.......
Congrats on ur awards!!!!!!!!
Love all ur collections
Keep rocking
with luv,
my kitchenNovember 23, 2009 at 1:41 PM
Hi dear,
Collect your award from my blog
radhaNovember 23, 2009 at 3:06 PM
Congratulations on the awards... and the mug collection is impressive.
Suma GandlurNovember 24, 2009 at 4:17 AM
Congrats for all those awards.
Love those earthen cups. Has to get some, when I visit India.
ChitraNovember 24, 2009 at 12:16 PM
Congrats on all ur awards and milestones..wish u get more n more..All the cups look beautiful...Nice collections..:)
RohiniNovember 24, 2009 at 3:19 PM
Buddy please collect your award from my blog! :)
My cooking experimentsNovember 24, 2009 at 7:49 PM
Congrats on your shower of awards!Wow what collection u have.I liked the earthen ware the most.I had them while i was in india!
tinaNovember 27, 2009 at 7:41 PM
Many many congrats on 75 blog posts and 50 followers. I so enjoyed you sharing your mug and cup collection and the history behind it. I simply love the Leaning Tower of Pisa mugs and think I'd be like you-afraid they'd fall off the table:) It is too funny about your husband mastering the art of breaking your kitchen stuff. He's mastered the art of tea too though to be sweet and bring you a cup! I need to go get my morning coffee and I will take great pleasure in my mugs thinking of this post.
AshKukuNovember 28, 2009 at 12:31 AM
Thanks to ALL..... for those lovely words of appreciation.... Hope to c u all around more often.... All ur inputs are forever valued....
A SPECIAL MENTION to TINA for her "Brought a Smile on MY FACE" comment.... Both me & Kuku enjoyed reading it....
ReplyDeletetinaNovember 28, 2009 at 4:13 AM
You are very welcomed and I meant it too!
Magia da InêsNovember 28, 2009 at 1:42 PM
Oi, amiga!
Voltei porque fiquei com saudade do seu cantinho.
Tudo aqui é muito lindo e diferente... essas peças são maravilhosas!...
Você é muito talentosa.
Um ótimo fim de semana!
Itabira - Brasil
ElizabethNovember 28, 2009 at 7:46 PM
Lovely post and very interesting reading. You have some beautiful items in your collection. The bamboo beer mug is just wonderful!
AshKukuNovember 28, 2009 at 11:26 PM
Translation of the ABOVE PORTUGUESE comment:
Hi, friend!
I came back because I was homesick for their corner.
Everything here is very beautiful and different ... these pieces are wonderful! ...
You are very talented.
A great weekend!
Itabira - Brazil
vincentNovember 30, 2009 at 2:07 AM
We bumped into your blog and we really liked it - great recipes YUM YUM.
We would like to add it to the Petitchef.com.
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To add your site to the Petitchef family you can use http://en.petitchef.com/?obj=front&action=site_ajout_form or just go to Petitchef.com and click on "Add your site"
Best regards,
PriyaDecember 3, 2009 at 12:32 PM
hey..Just visited ur blog after long time...u r rocking..i am also crazy of cups n glasses...cheers to u
Devi MeyyappanJanuary 14, 2010 at 3:22 AM
Hi Asha, Beautiful collection of cups and mugs :) ... I like the reason for the post - to remember the cups in future!... nice one!... Congrats :)
E.TMay 27, 2011 at 8:37 PM
Hey! Thanks for sharing the link! LOVED to find out that it's not weird I collect mugs and faux glass glasses! Your collection is super! I might share might someday too!
Jyotsna KandpalMay 30, 2011 at 1:00 AM
Hey Asha... Really superb collection.... I loved the Leaning Cup of Pisa.. ;) Where did u get it from by the way??
CheapJune 16, 2011 at 2:15 PM
Needless to say that if the distribution is a good cup of promotion, distribution of a set of promotional mugs is even better. The process of thinking is still behind the marketing decisions that call for the Cup Series to promote production. Whether or not more favorable is the use of advertising dollars can be debated, but certainly there are clear advantages of the strategy. The benefits associated with the promotion systems of the Cup are quite obvious, and as with other things that are obvious, these benefits may be overlooked if you are not paying due diligence to the process of thought.
photo mugs