2/14/10, 10:04 AM
India Standard Time}
I have quite a few things to share today...... Other than my all time sadness, I have had lots of happy moments & treasures...... A milestone, an anniversary, many appreciations & of course my 'card making' passion with cards for occasions....... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!! but truly, leading to many more such missions.... of course to be accomplished...... which I will for sure....... I just pray God for patience & courage to bear all the miseries & for more LOVE ..... ALL MY WAY..... by my one & ONLY Kuku........
I have just accomplished a triple number in my PANTHIS........ which I am very happy about..... That shows my work has been widely appreciated & liked by many, unknown till then, but now part of my life as a blogger....... And that is sheer MAGIC!!!!!!
I have been remembered by many blogger friends during their felicitations..... It really means a lot to know that I am being thought of too..... & so is my work. This was like I had been flooded with appreciations......

I thank Neethu Binoi of Kitchen Express for that love she conferred on me through all these tokens of love..... Thank You Neethu & may God Bless you with more happiness that you spread through your cheers..... (Kreativ Blogger, Happy 101, Cheer Leading, Beautiful Blogger, Blog Loving & Smart Blogger)
I thank deary Sarah Naveen of Vazhayila!!! for again remembering my work & me during the occasion of TOFA distribution........ She shared her Blog loving & Smart Blogger TOFAS with me.... Thank You Sarah!!!!!
I thank Jisha of Jisha's Kitchen for inspiring me with smart blogger & tagging me to thank the one who gave me this, Which I am from all my heart & to pass it on dearies around, which is following this THANKSGIVING...... :-)
I am grateful to Devi of Freshers Cook Book for inspiring me with the Kreativ Tag, Thank U & Smart Blogger...... Hmmm....as far as the tag is concerned, you can know me HERE! & I am really thankful for considering me worth of these beautiful TOFAS......
I would love to share ALL the above with & spread cheers to my fellow bloggers, as well.........
Ramya Manja of Veg Delicacies!!!
Chitra of Ratatouille
Cool Lassi of Pan Gravy Kadai Curry
Suparna of Food Fascination
Pari of Foodelicious
Sushma Mallya of Authentic Food Delights
LG of Taste of Mysore
JGH of Nyack Backyard
Ambika of Ambika's Kitchen
Dolly of Curry & beyond
Anu of Anu's Yummy Recipes
Rashmi of Abhi-Ruchi
Ruchika of Ruchika Cooks
Aruna of Aruna's Tasty Bites
Brandi of Queen Of My Kingdom
Fimere of Aux Delices Des Gourmets
Itabira of Magia Da Ines
THANKING ONE & ALL...... I REQUEST U TO KINDLY ACCEPT THE TOFAS (Tokens Of Appreciation) & spread the cheers around...... this Valentines Day!!!!!!! :-)
And as I mentioned in my prior post, the special Hobby interest that I wanted to pursue seriously, I was kinda successful in doing so...... February 12th, was my Dad & Brother's Birthday...... Yes! Both on the same day..... Very unlikely though...... So I made some gifts for them all by myself...... What I made????? Hmmm.... I made a lovely card, a CD pouch & an Envelope Holder to hold them both.....together......

As one of my favorite pastime is watching & enjoying old movies, I had picked up this movie of the 70's MUKTI a hindi film...... Starring Vidya Sinha, Shashi Kapoor & Sanjeev Kumar...... The movie adorned awesome touchy compositions sung by Mukesh like Lalla Lalla Lori, Suhaani Chaandni Raatein & Pyar Hai Ik Nishan Qadmon Ka sung by Mohd Rafi...... Very meaningful, very touchy & full of Love...... Oh! these melodies make me believe that I am alive...when I am totally drowning in my sadness caused due to my HEALTH ...... And I remembered my dad mention it long time back, that he liked & wanted it. So, I thought why not gift him with a copy...... So there it went into the CD pouch.....

The card was for both of them..... & the CD for dad......He called me up to say he was totally impressed by my creativity, which were his exact words..... I was happy that it served my purpose of making him feel so..... I did not have anything else for my brother, I found the Maggi Pasta on my table..... I did not know if he had tried it or not.... Thinking he would like it, packed that along for him.... So there went my handmade gifts for the birthday boys...... ;-)

Today is February the 14th of 2010........ I know it is special to many, or rather all...... But for me it is a part of my life.... It WAS my past....it IS my present & IS my future too...... This Valentines, we ...... (me & Kuku, of course!!!!) complete 16 years of OUR relationship...... The very thought makes me feel proud...... It means a lot for those who believe in relations & its values..... Hence it means a lot to me.....
Asra Ashaon Ka..... Ek Chotisi Love Story!!!
I still remember the day..... It is still afresh..... I can still smell the freshness of the paint.....
I was an adolescent & so was he..... I was 18 & he was 19...... He came down to our area to reside with his flatmates.... When they were shifting themselves in..... a house beside mine..... I wanted to check out as to who & how they were..... I just went out casually drinking water from a bottle.... I saw few guys shifting their things in..... one guy among them looked up at my balcony & signed the other who stood with his back towards my house..... The guy who first saw me was......... nope! not Kuku..... He was Subhdarsi Mishraji..... The guy he signed at was Kuku, who turned immediately to check me out.... I kinda felt nervous all of a sudden, looked elsewhere taking care of my myself & ran in.....
Later saw through the window & realized that he had booked the window & the room just beside..... which was direct view to each others place if I opened my ground floor living room windows...... I thought Hmmmmmmmm...... Okay.... Clever!!!!! We exchanged glances, now & then..... but I did not seriously feel anything about it..... U know!!!!!
I had 2 Mangalorean kids in that same building where my new neighbor nested, but, on the top floor..... So either me or my mom or sometimes both, made frequent visits to their place..... On the way I had to pass this new neighbor's window or rather their Jharonka...... Again it was just exchange of glances, which meant nothing.....
He was the kind who was bossy & every single chap in their house would look up to him for .... be it..... anything..... He was the one who always took a lead..... There was a bike with 2 names painted or stuck, to either sides of the seat.... One SONU & the other KUKU.... I always wondered what this guys name was & to whom the bike belonged..... The YAMAHA RX100, which was hot & popular in the 90's...... I kinda liked the look of it..... small & cute..... I then kept a check to see who rode it more & that was him.... Now I wanted to know whether he was SONU or KUKU.... Once as I was just talking to the Aunt who resided above his place & told her about the unusual but cute names on the bike..... same time, he was there to ride himself out somewhere & that was when I uttered the names..... He did not react with SONU, but did look above when I said KUKU..... & that was a confirmation that he was KUKU....... Hmmmmm......
& I liked it.....!!!!
He always played beautiful old numbers, which I really enjoyed..... I had a collection too because my dad enjoyed them, at home..... So I flaunted my collection too..... Since we both liked the beautiful romantic songs or even pathos, we did exchange cassettes, through my brother of course ...... but my mom felt irritated because they always played them ALOUD...... she did curse them many a times because of it.... Somehow she learn't his name & would shout often
"Ranjit!, zara volume kam karna.... Bachche Padh rahe hein"...... I enjoyed these moments.... Once he asked me to lend him a Lata Mangeshkar hits & I was like.... 'A Very Clever Young Girl' asked him if that was an excuse for him to talk to me or even befriend me..... to which he said he genuinely wanted it.... I was like "CHOR".... but that was just a thought that crossed my mind.... & I lent him the cassette...... That was when we spoke to each other for the first time..... which I quite liked.... the way he spoke crossed my mind every now & then......
And then he would try his best to make use of the moments on road...... Once when I was on my way to my computer class... First Computers at Navrang.... I waited for a bus, when he stopped by, offering a lift..... to which I was like "NO THANKS! I prefer going by bus" & then fled by getting into the next bus that came along..... After I reached the place, I confessed about this incident to my then friend, VINUTHA...... And she was like "do not fall into this.... it is a trap..... These Biharis would just play with you & your emotions, catch the next train & off would they
vanish from here....leaving you with all the sorrows & miseries later"..... I felt that right too..... My dad was very strict & short tempered..... who would just kill me if he got to know about it..... So I stopped & dropped, even the faintest thought of it...
It was next year the 1994....... and I was eagerly waiting to watch the new release 'HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN'..... & I did..... with my family of course..... We always watched movies like a team..... together...... me, mom & my brother..... I loved it a lot.... We never watched with anybody else, but us three..... By night, I went out to lock my gate & balcony as usual..... when I saw a large crowd..... guys out having fun, yapping, shouting out the name RANJIT, when they saw me..... They went on asking the birthday boy to come out, wishing him on his day & asking me to wish him too..... Why would I wish strangers????? I just registered the day in my mind & came in..... Hence I remember the day I watched HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN, very well..... The 4th of January, 1994.... The day this handsome was born..... may be for me.... I just thought then, but was not sure & did not wanna believe it too.....
After few days, one night when I was out to lock my gates, he approached me with a card & I thought, it was not my birthday, then why was he presenting me a card..... I never knew that there were cards meant for proposals too..... I rejected & told him I did not want.... like he was giving it to me for I wanted..... How Dumb!!!! of me..... My mom saw this through the kitchen window & questioned me as to what he gave..... to which I denied & lied that he asked me if I wanted the cassette back..... My mom without wasting a moment, went barging at his door, asked for him & threatened him to stay away from me & how short tempered my dad was & what position he was in, professionally..... Poor him!!!!!
Next encounter was when I went inviting few peeps in my lane for my brothers 'Birthday get together'..... As I was doing my rounds, he made his entry somewhere on the road, stopped by asking me if he was invited too...... to which I replied.... again like a clever one " Sorry! Strangers are not invited...." Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!!! How thoughtful!!!!! Poor him, he just went away 'mayoos'...... again......
I always checked him out at nights through the window...... All hush hush!!!! Chori Chori Chupke Chupke!!!!! To just see what masthis they were all up to.... as we, me & my brother never engaged ourselves in any such light, hearty, bindaas, fun filled Masthi moments.... So I enjoyed watching them have fun playing, eating, yelling at the top of their voices & pulling each others legs..... & laughed at their light moments.....
Then it was the 14th of February..... Afternoon after college, I was at home & saw another guy named KUNDAN Dubey ji get a rose.... I wondered as to whose birthday was it now..... & went to eves drop at my window.... at the first floor living room..... I could see everything inside from that height as they resided on the ground floor..... I saw Kundan ji, give the rose to Kuku.... I wondered why!!!! & then thought may be somebody's birthday there.... & just went away..... That evening when I went to the kids place to drop them back at 8:00 pm, Kundan ji was on his way down from the terrace.... he stopped to tell me that Ranjit looked forward to see me on the terrace..... I was kinda scared, but with all the courage thought he would not eat me up for sure.... lemme check what he wanted.... Dropped the kids at their place & instead of making my way home, I climbed up the stairs to the terrace..... And there he was standing alone in the dark
& welcoming me with a rose in his hand..... He offered me the rose to which I said it was not my birthday..... & he said he just wanted to give it to me.... to which I said a surprised okay & accepted.... He wanted me to meet up with him the next day at Honey Bee.... Popular Bakers nearby.... We discussed how, when, where, pros & cons..... & I then accepted to see him the following day at the bakery..... later I gave him back the rose & left.... what would I tell mom about the rose...... I could have told her that i got it from the kids home or something.... but as I was guilty & scared did not want to risk myself....
It was the following day that I looked forward to; to see him.... Which i thought he would just drop me to my class, but he instead got me to bunk my class & took me to the Sankey Tank..... where we sat together, he uttering something, trying to know me & me busy with my dairy milks that he got for me..... licking every drop of the melted chocolate..... That was how I was.... Kinda DUH!!!! It was only then I realized that the previous day was called VALENTINES DAY & I was on a DATE with KUKU...... VOILA!!!!!
But still it did not mean much to me till a few days later... one night when I watched him down through my window.... I saw him studying & all of a sudden he pulled out a card from his book, looked towards my house & kissed the card deeply..... That was THE MAGICAL MOMENT..... The moment that changed my LIFE....my feelings for him..... Spontaneously without any thought, looking at what I saw, tears rolled down my cheeks...non stop...... I realized that it was the card that he wanted to give me, when I rejected........ I was so touched & believed in him..... his feelings for me & his LOVE...... Even now as I am punching these words, my eyes are filled.... I can feel that moment... Very touchy & exciting!!!!!!! That was when I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!! The one who was meant to be mine..... for this life & others to come......
It was meant to happen..... Because we were from two different corners of this country, He from Bihar & me from Mangalore..... If we were not destined... we would not have met..... Neither his parents would have sent him to Bangalore for further studies, nor would he have come to nest, beside my place, as his college was far far away...... He came here because he wanted to be away from the college crowd to concentrate on his studies.... & meanwhile found me to concentrate on...... ;-)
That is the end of this episode, to be continued further later.....
as it is rather very LENGTHY... It takes time to, have to punch in, all those 8 years of factual story..... before wedding...... ;-)
MY FIRST VALENTINES DAY, MY FIRST PROPOSAL & MY FIRST DATE!!!!!!! I would not call it perfect because I was not in my senses..... meaning I was not aware of all the happenings & the magic of those moments, as I am now, to have enjoyed it the way I would now..... but still I love & treasure it because I was a total DUH! or an adolescent who was not aware of all these moments & what they meant........
So that was my first DATE, who I have been DATING till this day....... & forever would..... I feel so happy about my 16th anniversary of togetherness... I love, respect & enjoy his unconditional love for me...... Nobody loves me the way he does.... He makes me feel special always..... No tags attached.... I know we would be together FOREVER.... as even death would not be able to do us apart.... as we would still find each other besides...... That is the TRUTH of 'OUR' LIFE!!!!!!
I only made a card for him as I could not go out & get him something..... I loved what I made.... I gave it to him exactly at 12:00 am...... Wishing him on our 16th Anniversary of togetherness.... He totally loved it..... He just kept looking at it & was so happy..... & said... "Meri baabu mein to talent khoot khoot ke bhara hua hain"....... Hmmmm.... as always..... & I felt proud & happy again..... So here is the card......

Hmmmm..... That was celebrations of the Valentines Day from my side...... Why don't u share the same with me too????? Come on I would love to hear..... But true stories, with its sanctity..... Not some pastime...... I value the worth of everything on this earth...... So let us paint the BLOGGYWOOD red, & allow it to drip love, in every word & statement...... in the BLOGOSPHERE.............

I have just accomplished a triple number in my PANTHIS........ which I am very happy about..... That shows my work has been widely appreciated & liked by many, unknown till then, but now part of my life as a blogger....... And that is sheer MAGIC!!!!!!
I have been remembered by many blogger friends during their felicitations..... It really means a lot to know that I am being thought of too..... & so is my work. This was like I had been flooded with appreciations......
I thank Neethu Binoi of Kitchen Express for that love she conferred on me through all these tokens of love..... Thank You Neethu & may God Bless you with more happiness that you spread through your cheers..... (Kreativ Blogger, Happy 101, Cheer Leading, Beautiful Blogger, Blog Loving & Smart Blogger)
I thank deary Sarah Naveen of Vazhayila!!! for again remembering my work & me during the occasion of TOFA distribution........ She shared her Blog loving & Smart Blogger TOFAS with me.... Thank You Sarah!!!!!
I thank Jisha of Jisha's Kitchen for inspiring me with smart blogger & tagging me to thank the one who gave me this, Which I am from all my heart & to pass it on dearies around, which is following this THANKSGIVING...... :-)
I am grateful to Devi of Freshers Cook Book for inspiring me with the Kreativ Tag, Thank U & Smart Blogger...... Hmmm....as far as the tag is concerned, you can know me HERE! & I am really thankful for considering me worth of these beautiful TOFAS......
I would love to share ALL the above with & spread cheers to my fellow bloggers, as well.........
Ramya Manja of Veg Delicacies!!!
Chitra of Ratatouille
Cool Lassi of Pan Gravy Kadai Curry
Suparna of Food Fascination
Pari of Foodelicious
Sushma Mallya of Authentic Food Delights
LG of Taste of Mysore
JGH of Nyack Backyard
Ambika of Ambika's Kitchen
Dolly of Curry & beyond
Anu of Anu's Yummy Recipes
Rashmi of Abhi-Ruchi
Ruchika of Ruchika Cooks
Aruna of Aruna's Tasty Bites
Brandi of Queen Of My Kingdom
Fimere of Aux Delices Des Gourmets
Itabira of Magia Da Ines
THANKING ONE & ALL...... I REQUEST U TO KINDLY ACCEPT THE TOFAS (Tokens Of Appreciation) & spread the cheers around...... this Valentines Day!!!!!!! :-)
And as I mentioned in my prior post, the special Hobby interest that I wanted to pursue seriously, I was kinda successful in doing so...... February 12th, was my Dad & Brother's Birthday...... Yes! Both on the same day..... Very unlikely though...... So I made some gifts for them all by myself...... What I made????? Hmmm.... I made a lovely card, a CD pouch & an Envelope Holder to hold them both.....together......
As one of my favorite pastime is watching & enjoying old movies, I had picked up this movie of the 70's MUKTI a hindi film...... Starring Vidya Sinha, Shashi Kapoor & Sanjeev Kumar...... The movie adorned awesome touchy compositions sung by Mukesh like Lalla Lalla Lori, Suhaani Chaandni Raatein & Pyar Hai Ik Nishan Qadmon Ka sung by Mohd Rafi...... Very meaningful, very touchy & full of Love...... Oh! these melodies make me believe that I am alive...when I am totally drowning in my sadness caused due to my HEALTH ...... And I remembered my dad mention it long time back, that he liked & wanted it. So, I thought why not gift him with a copy...... So there it went into the CD pouch.....
The card was for both of them..... & the CD for dad......He called me up to say he was totally impressed by my creativity, which were his exact words..... I was happy that it served my purpose of making him feel so..... I did not have anything else for my brother, I found the Maggi Pasta on my table..... I did not know if he had tried it or not.... Thinking he would like it, packed that along for him.... So there went my handmade gifts for the birthday boys...... ;-)
Today is February the 14th of 2010........ I know it is special to many, or rather all...... But for me it is a part of my life.... It WAS my past....it IS my present & IS my future too...... This Valentines, we ...... (me & Kuku, of course!!!!) complete 16 years of OUR relationship...... The very thought makes me feel proud...... It means a lot for those who believe in relations & its values..... Hence it means a lot to me.....
Asra Ashaon Ka..... Ek Chotisi Love Story!!!
I still remember the day..... It is still afresh..... I can still smell the freshness of the paint.....
I was an adolescent & so was he..... I was 18 & he was 19...... He came down to our area to reside with his flatmates.... When they were shifting themselves in..... a house beside mine..... I wanted to check out as to who & how they were..... I just went out casually drinking water from a bottle.... I saw few guys shifting their things in..... one guy among them looked up at my balcony & signed the other who stood with his back towards my house..... The guy who first saw me was......... nope! not Kuku..... He was Subhdarsi Mishraji..... The guy he signed at was Kuku, who turned immediately to check me out.... I kinda felt nervous all of a sudden, looked elsewhere taking care of my myself & ran in.....
Later saw through the window & realized that he had booked the window & the room just beside..... which was direct view to each others place if I opened my ground floor living room windows...... I thought Hmmmmmmmm...... Okay.... Clever!!!!! We exchanged glances, now & then..... but I did not seriously feel anything about it..... U know!!!!!
I had 2 Mangalorean kids in that same building where my new neighbor nested, but, on the top floor..... So either me or my mom or sometimes both, made frequent visits to their place..... On the way I had to pass this new neighbor's window or rather their Jharonka...... Again it was just exchange of glances, which meant nothing.....
He was the kind who was bossy & every single chap in their house would look up to him for .... be it..... anything..... He was the one who always took a lead..... There was a bike with 2 names painted or stuck, to either sides of the seat.... One SONU & the other KUKU.... I always wondered what this guys name was & to whom the bike belonged..... The YAMAHA RX100, which was hot & popular in the 90's...... I kinda liked the look of it..... small & cute..... I then kept a check to see who rode it more & that was him.... Now I wanted to know whether he was SONU or KUKU.... Once as I was just talking to the Aunt who resided above his place & told her about the unusual but cute names on the bike..... same time, he was there to ride himself out somewhere & that was when I uttered the names..... He did not react with SONU, but did look above when I said KUKU..... & that was a confirmation that he was KUKU....... Hmmmmm......
& I liked it.....!!!!
He always played beautiful old numbers, which I really enjoyed..... I had a collection too because my dad enjoyed them, at home..... So I flaunted my collection too..... Since we both liked the beautiful romantic songs or even pathos, we did exchange cassettes, through my brother of course ...... but my mom felt irritated because they always played them ALOUD...... she did curse them many a times because of it.... Somehow she learn't his name & would shout often
"Ranjit!, zara volume kam karna.... Bachche Padh rahe hein"...... I enjoyed these moments.... Once he asked me to lend him a Lata Mangeshkar hits & I was like.... 'A Very Clever Young Girl' asked him if that was an excuse for him to talk to me or even befriend me..... to which he said he genuinely wanted it.... I was like "CHOR".... but that was just a thought that crossed my mind.... & I lent him the cassette...... That was when we spoke to each other for the first time..... which I quite liked.... the way he spoke crossed my mind every now & then......
And then he would try his best to make use of the moments on road...... Once when I was on my way to my computer class... First Computers at Navrang.... I waited for a bus, when he stopped by, offering a lift..... to which I was like "NO THANKS! I prefer going by bus" & then fled by getting into the next bus that came along..... After I reached the place, I confessed about this incident to my then friend, VINUTHA...... And she was like "do not fall into this.... it is a trap..... These Biharis would just play with you & your emotions, catch the next train & off would they
vanish from here....leaving you with all the sorrows & miseries later"..... I felt that right too..... My dad was very strict & short tempered..... who would just kill me if he got to know about it..... So I stopped & dropped, even the faintest thought of it...
It was next year the 1994....... and I was eagerly waiting to watch the new release 'HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN'..... & I did..... with my family of course..... We always watched movies like a team..... together...... me, mom & my brother..... I loved it a lot.... We never watched with anybody else, but us three..... By night, I went out to lock my gate & balcony as usual..... when I saw a large crowd..... guys out having fun, yapping, shouting out the name RANJIT, when they saw me..... They went on asking the birthday boy to come out, wishing him on his day & asking me to wish him too..... Why would I wish strangers????? I just registered the day in my mind & came in..... Hence I remember the day I watched HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN, very well..... The 4th of January, 1994.... The day this handsome was born..... may be for me.... I just thought then, but was not sure & did not wanna believe it too.....
After few days, one night when I was out to lock my gates, he approached me with a card & I thought, it was not my birthday, then why was he presenting me a card..... I never knew that there were cards meant for proposals too..... I rejected & told him I did not want.... like he was giving it to me for I wanted..... How Dumb!!!! of me..... My mom saw this through the kitchen window & questioned me as to what he gave..... to which I denied & lied that he asked me if I wanted the cassette back..... My mom without wasting a moment, went barging at his door, asked for him & threatened him to stay away from me & how short tempered my dad was & what position he was in, professionally..... Poor him!!!!!
Next encounter was when I went inviting few peeps in my lane for my brothers 'Birthday get together'..... As I was doing my rounds, he made his entry somewhere on the road, stopped by asking me if he was invited too...... to which I replied.... again like a clever one " Sorry! Strangers are not invited...." Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!!! How thoughtful!!!!! Poor him, he just went away 'mayoos'...... again......
I always checked him out at nights through the window...... All hush hush!!!! Chori Chori Chupke Chupke!!!!! To just see what masthis they were all up to.... as we, me & my brother never engaged ourselves in any such light, hearty, bindaas, fun filled Masthi moments.... So I enjoyed watching them have fun playing, eating, yelling at the top of their voices & pulling each others legs..... & laughed at their light moments.....
Then it was the 14th of February..... Afternoon after college, I was at home & saw another guy named KUNDAN Dubey ji get a rose.... I wondered as to whose birthday was it now..... & went to eves drop at my window.... at the first floor living room..... I could see everything inside from that height as they resided on the ground floor..... I saw Kundan ji, give the rose to Kuku.... I wondered why!!!! & then thought may be somebody's birthday there.... & just went away..... That evening when I went to the kids place to drop them back at 8:00 pm, Kundan ji was on his way down from the terrace.... he stopped to tell me that Ranjit looked forward to see me on the terrace..... I was kinda scared, but with all the courage thought he would not eat me up for sure.... lemme check what he wanted.... Dropped the kids at their place & instead of making my way home, I climbed up the stairs to the terrace..... And there he was standing alone in the dark
& welcoming me with a rose in his hand..... He offered me the rose to which I said it was not my birthday..... & he said he just wanted to give it to me.... to which I said a surprised okay & accepted.... He wanted me to meet up with him the next day at Honey Bee.... Popular Bakers nearby.... We discussed how, when, where, pros & cons..... & I then accepted to see him the following day at the bakery..... later I gave him back the rose & left.... what would I tell mom about the rose...... I could have told her that i got it from the kids home or something.... but as I was guilty & scared did not want to risk myself....
It was the following day that I looked forward to; to see him.... Which i thought he would just drop me to my class, but he instead got me to bunk my class & took me to the Sankey Tank..... where we sat together, he uttering something, trying to know me & me busy with my dairy milks that he got for me..... licking every drop of the melted chocolate..... That was how I was.... Kinda DUH!!!! It was only then I realized that the previous day was called VALENTINES DAY & I was on a DATE with KUKU...... VOILA!!!!!
But still it did not mean much to me till a few days later... one night when I watched him down through my window.... I saw him studying & all of a sudden he pulled out a card from his book, looked towards my house & kissed the card deeply..... That was THE MAGICAL MOMENT..... The moment that changed my LIFE....my feelings for him..... Spontaneously without any thought, looking at what I saw, tears rolled down my cheeks...non stop...... I realized that it was the card that he wanted to give me, when I rejected........ I was so touched & believed in him..... his feelings for me & his LOVE...... Even now as I am punching these words, my eyes are filled.... I can feel that moment... Very touchy & exciting!!!!!!! That was when I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!! The one who was meant to be mine..... for this life & others to come......
It was meant to happen..... Because we were from two different corners of this country, He from Bihar & me from Mangalore..... If we were not destined... we would not have met..... Neither his parents would have sent him to Bangalore for further studies, nor would he have come to nest, beside my place, as his college was far far away...... He came here because he wanted to be away from the college crowd to concentrate on his studies.... & meanwhile found me to concentrate on...... ;-)
That is the end of this episode, to be continued further later.....
as it is rather very LENGTHY... It takes time to, have to punch in, all those 8 years of factual story..... before wedding...... ;-)
MY FIRST VALENTINES DAY, MY FIRST PROPOSAL & MY FIRST DATE!!!!!!! I would not call it perfect because I was not in my senses..... meaning I was not aware of all the happenings & the magic of those moments, as I am now, to have enjoyed it the way I would now..... but still I love & treasure it because I was a total DUH! or an adolescent who was not aware of all these moments & what they meant........
So that was my first DATE, who I have been DATING till this day....... & forever would..... I feel so happy about my 16th anniversary of togetherness... I love, respect & enjoy his unconditional love for me...... Nobody loves me the way he does.... He makes me feel special always..... No tags attached.... I know we would be together FOREVER.... as even death would not be able to do us apart.... as we would still find each other besides...... That is the TRUTH of 'OUR' LIFE!!!!!!
I only made a card for him as I could not go out & get him something..... I loved what I made.... I gave it to him exactly at 12:00 am...... Wishing him on our 16th Anniversary of togetherness.... He totally loved it..... He just kept looking at it & was so happy..... & said... "Meri baabu mein to talent khoot khoot ke bhara hua hain"....... Hmmmm.... as always..... & I felt proud & happy again..... So here is the card......
Hmmmm..... That was celebrations of the Valentines Day from my side...... Why don't u share the same with me too????? Come on I would love to hear..... But true stories, with its sanctity..... Not some pastime...... I value the worth of everything on this earth...... So let us paint the BLOGGYWOOD red, & allow it to drip love, in every word & statement...... in the BLOGOSPHERE.............
RohiniFebruary 14, 2010 at 5:42 PM
You are such a sweetheart dear!! I also love making cards, but am lazy, so often buy it off the shelves ;)
Loved reading every bit of your love story, so touchy n beauitful! Wishing you guys many many decades of such wonderful never-ending love!
Happy Valentines Day, Ash n Kuku! :)
அண்ணாமலையான்February 14, 2010 at 6:15 PM
u hav don a marvelous job...
JGHFebruary 14, 2010 at 7:50 PM
Thank you so much for the shout out, Ash!
I really enjoyed reading the story about how you met your husband. We have a couple of things in commong - we are also celebrating 16 years together and we also connected over a shared love of a particular kind of music.
I cried when I read the part about how he looked at your apt, kissed the card and you knew were destined to be together - the MAGIC MOMENT!!
Beautiful cards! Enjoy the day. I'm taking my husband (the one who loves Indian food to an "Indian Love Seder" later today. Hope he likes it.
hugs and kisses,
Jennifer from Nyack Backyard
PariFebruary 14, 2010 at 9:14 PM
Hi Asha. Your blog is showering with awards and love..Loved reading your love story and was imagining you and kuku doing chori-chori chupke- chupke meethi meethi baatein..
So sweet dear would love to read ur entire love story. Wish u both a very happy V-day and many many many years of love. and thanks for passing on the award..
FimèreFebruary 14, 2010 at 9:27 PM
tes cartes sont sublimes et trop belles je t'en félicite pour ce beau travail
je te félicite aussi pour tous ces prix que tu mérites
merci d'avoir pensé à moi, joyeuse st Valentin
à bientôt
ruchikacooks.comFebruary 14, 2010 at 10:22 PM
Ash didi, Kya Kahani Hai. Love Story for Ever! Beautiful. Wishing you two lots of happiness in the years ahead.
Cards look lovely as always, very creative.
Congrats on the awards. Thanks for sharing it with me.
Happy V's day.
Sushma MallyaFebruary 14, 2010 at 10:57 PM
wow ash what an interesting & exicting real love story,i enjoyed reading every word of it, was really magical i can say,...i was just imagining all the scenes while i was reading it...so so good,May u both live happily ever after and god bless u both....and that was really a very beautiful card made for him,loved the other cards and gifts too...and congraz on all your awards ash,u deserved this and lots more and thanks a lot for giving it to me as well....Happy valentines day and 16th year of togetherness...hope u had a great day with your love...
AnuFebruary 15, 2010 at 12:29 AM
wow very interesting love story dear... Very touching... Happy valentines day..
kitchen queenFebruary 15, 2010 at 12:35 AM
Such lovely hand made cards.Wishing U and Ur husband a ver very Happy Valentines day.
SaraFebruary 15, 2010 at 2:10 AM
Great cards and gifts Asha. You've been very creative.
Lots of love
Sara xx
ReplyDeleteFathimaFebruary 15, 2010 at 2:55 AM
I loved reading story! Wishing both u guys decades of togetherness..... I love ur creations here as well... really creative person u r!
simply.foodFebruary 15, 2010 at 4:02 AM
Happy Valentines day May god bless you with infinite love for ever and ever.Your creations are wonderful and very artistic.
DeviFebruary 15, 2010 at 4:22 AM
Hiii Asha!!.. so sweet, cute and lovely!.. I mean the whole post!! along with the lovely cards and your beautiful love story!!!:):)... Happy Valentines day!:):)..
Ramya ManjaFebruary 15, 2010 at 8:23 AM
Hey Ash What do I say,I am really falling short of words,dumbfounded..Cannot explain in words how I felt when I was going through ur love story,every word worth reading...God Bless u Both...May u have 200 more years of happiness together...Happy Anniversary and a very happy valentines day...
Thank you so much for sharing wonderful awards with me,I am really Obliged,thanks u remembered me....
Keep Rocking...
SuparnaFebruary 15, 2010 at 9:10 AM
Hi Asha,
Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!!Wishing you both many more years of togetherness!!
Loved all the cards you've made, u are so talented girl! Do keep the same spirit on!!
As always I enjoyed reading ur post! and ur cute love story :)waiting to read more of it...
Congratulations on the awards shower!! and thanks a ton for sharing it with me,(shall post it in my blog sometime soon)
congratulations to all the other nominees too!!
Take good care of yourself!
God bless!
NeetzFebruary 15, 2010 at 11:09 AM
Hi Ashhhhuuuuuu....such a beautiful real storyyyyy.....goodness i didnt know urs were a love marriage ;).... so touching dear..I sincerely wish u have ur hubby with u life long and in life to coming years :)....
I too love making cards..but i havent tried once even..maybe i am lazy and also i have to get things from out which i cant as i have 5 month old baby with me and its really hard to roam about and see for things :(...
ur cards are just simply awesome and there is no better gift than getting something from the person u love by hand!!!..
Happy Valentines Day dear :)
Aruna DeviFebruary 15, 2010 at 3:53 PM
First wll wish ur dad and brother a Very Happy Birthday...come to ur love story....Touchy and intstng love story....thnks for sharing awards with me ....
JenFebruary 15, 2010 at 6:40 PM
Wow your cards are great and congrats on 16 years! That is great! Thanks for joining in my Valentine exchange!!
AshaFebruary 15, 2010 at 7:41 PM
Lovely handmade gifts. I like the green color you chose, looks beautiful. Enjoy them and the awards too! :)
Cool Lassi(e)February 15, 2010 at 7:54 PM
Hey, this was an excellent read. Its like a window to a slice of your life.Love all your handmade cards. Labor of love, it is. I hope, whatever your ailment is, you feel better soon than you do today.
Congrats on your awards and am honored that i am a recipient. I will certainly accept it.Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLaavanyaFebruary 15, 2010 at 8:04 PM
Beautiful cards... you are very creative indeed.
Wishing you both many more years of togetherness.
vineethaFebruary 15, 2010 at 8:10 PM
Hai dear..
Beautiful love story..So touching....I could picturise the secenes from ur writing..well written dear..
Wishing you both a life time happiness..
Cards looks gorgeous too
SwarnaFebruary 15, 2010 at 9:07 PM
Very touching to read your love story and bit bad that to read to be continued. I wish you many more years of love for you both.
ARUNAFebruary 15, 2010 at 9:11 PM
Hey Asha,first of all congrats on all ur awards.
Secondly ur handwork is simply superb, those must've been the best gifts ever,am sure your near n dear ones have loved'em!!
Congrats once again on ur 16th valentine's anniversary yaa, i can understand how amazing it is to b with the one you love the most.
What i liked the best about this whole post is the way u showed us ur 8yrs bond in the form of a story and i know how happy u r feeling right now with the very thought of being in love still!!
priyaFebruary 15, 2010 at 10:30 PM
hi dear,
There is an award waiting for u in my blog. Please accept it!!
Renuka Bedre - RaoFebruary 16, 2010 at 12:09 AM
wow wow wow!!! What a beautiful love story! I really felt the magic of your magical moment! Every time you mention your husband's name I can feel your unconditional love for him! God bless u two and may your love grow more n more!
Many BDay wishes to your dad and bro! all ur greetings are so so beautiful!!
Congratulations on all these awards!!! Keep rocking as you always do dearie!!
Malar GandhiFebruary 16, 2010 at 5:22 AM
Oh you are sucha sweet person, thats a terrific love story...I could practically visualize from here/on this time period...wow, cho sweet. Enjoyed reading every bit of it. Chori...chupke sight huh...first date, sounds thrilling an dromantic. Card-kiss...is very touch and moving, my friend. Now I understand...its an amazing thing' hard to explain.
My kind wishes to you and him, Asha+Kuku have a wonderful life...enjoy all your Valentines days day with great zeal.:)
Ramya VijaykumarFebruary 16, 2010 at 6:19 AM
Wishes to your loved ones (dad & bro)!!! The cards are amazing and congrtas on your award!!!
AnuFebruary 16, 2010 at 6:50 AM
Congrats on ur awards and thank you so much for sharing with me dear...
SpiceFebruary 16, 2010 at 9:13 PM
Congrats on awards & 16th anniversary...Love your love story....interesting...love all the cards....me too love to make hand made cards...there was a time when I never use to buy cards.....but now b'coz of time crunch I only end up buying the supplies and not making anything out of it.... I love beautiful papers....will wait for the next part of your "1994-A Love Story"...take care....hugs..
ReplyDeleteSarah NaveenFebruary 17, 2010 at 12:05 AM
Oh my!!!! girly thats an awesome posts...
You are so creative ..look at those gifts and cards...ooh... u r a marvel in this ....
And so happy to know abt the 16th year of your love story...thats amazing...
May god almighty bless you with millions and millions of beautiful tomorrows together...
KatherineFebruary 17, 2010 at 2:52 AM
What BEAUTIFUL cards! You have such a gift... and it seems to go perfectly with your generous heart!
MalarFebruary 17, 2010 at 7:02 AM
You are such a wonderful person and very tallented girl dear..Nice to see you blog..do visit my blog when you are free
DollyFebruary 17, 2010 at 7:41 PM
Dear Ash..Wah dil khush ho gaya ..Very well written and very sweetly described..Your LOve story.Dil ko chu gayee...Ab to bhai hum bhi yehi kahenge..hamari Ash mein to talent khoot khoot ke bhara hain..Your cards are just so perfect and since its made with so much love it means so much.. I'm sure just like ur KUKU ur dad and brother must be so proud of you. Thanks for ur concern and for missing me..Now I'm back..Also thanks for sharing an award with me. I'm trying to remember everything b4r i forget..oh..Congratualtions on all ur TOFa's..and aapko and aapke KUKU ko 16th Valentine Day Mubarak ho...and many more to come..
my kitchenFebruary 17, 2010 at 9:43 PM
Beautiful cards & interesting Story.Congrats on ur awards
ruchikacooksFebruary 18, 2010 at 3:46 AM
I still remember how you came to my place through Malar's..Remember, how I was wondering what to do with the award? Time flies nah?
Even though we havent met we visit each other regularly and share a few words.That is more important than anything didi, spending a few mins to write something, that means a lot right? Sometimes i laugh with your comments,like the tummy pooja one :D
So, what happened to the story afterwards, you left it midway..Continued next year?
ChitraFebruary 19, 2010 at 11:15 AM
wow, the cards & the pouch u made are very beautiful.Hope ur hubby , dad & bro must be very happy ..I love ur handwriting.Its very nice.Congrats on all ur awards and thanks for passing me.. Take care !!
the girl who knows too muchFebruary 20, 2010 at 1:01 AM
Beautiful cards! And a nice love story, made me nostalgic:-). And Sankey Tank! wow! Why did Me and V never think of it? Have you seen that place now? It's still beautiful.
CAHİDEFebruary 20, 2010 at 3:53 AM
Sayfan çok güzel bayıldım!
Sharon Colaco D'SouzaFebruary 20, 2010 at 7:21 AM
Very beautiful story Asha!Can't wait to read part 2....Loved the cards you made for your family too.
ReplyDeleteAshKukuFebruary 20, 2010 at 12:17 PM
Turkish to English translation
Cahide Said "
I love your page very nice!"
hayatcemresiFebruary 20, 2010 at 3:25 PM
hello Asha,
nasılsın? blogunuz çok güzel.
Ben Türkiye den, kulüpler
Lady BohemeFebruary 20, 2010 at 4:03 PM
Beautiful cards, Asha! Thanks for your
nice comment! Kiss
ruchikacooksFebruary 20, 2010 at 8:43 PM
Thank you Ash Didi. Hope you got a good sleep after that full thali..and gave thali after reading the sweet news..Thali De Thali.. You make me laugh :)
CAHİDEFebruary 20, 2010 at 10:42 PM
You get a very good friend.I'm very happy with my acquaintances.I will always follow:)Thank you very much!
AshKukuFebruary 21, 2010 at 12:21 AM
Turkish to English translation
hayatcemresi said ...
hello Asha,
how are you? nice blog.
I'm from Turkey, clubs
AshaFebruary 24, 2010 at 7:48 PM
Lovely story! I met my hubby when I was 17 and he was 19, just celebrated 23yrs of marriage!! :))
Happy belated Birthday and a very happy anniversary. Sorry I ma late to wish you, been busy since last weekend. Hugs to you and lots of love. Best wishes. Hope I will meet you one day in Bangalore, I was there 2 weeks last May! :)