I don't understand where we are all heading towards, in such a Zooooooooooom!
Is it 2012 ????????????? The so called destructive year.....As I have heard, few yester years were also predicted to be destructive....But though one can say that those forecasts or predictions have not come true, I personally see the world climbing every step towards it....All the unforeseen incidents, the virus in the air, the miss happenings around.... Predicts 'that' for sure...... With the inhabitants of this world, moving towards destruction in their deeds, words & thoughts, we are all heading there..... no doubts.....DESTRUCTION! The 'D' day.......
In a way good... I personally see no end to all this..other than the 'D' word.... of the world.... Let a new era begin... where living beings start from scratch, start with small struggles to make their place, start with good thoughts.... Again a Vicious circle, where the phase appears to be good at first view, but in actual is fallacious..... Good to Bad..... Construction to Destruction..... All that starts has to end somewhere..... Because Good & Evil are the two faces of the same coin.... they go hand in hand.....
Why don't human beings think before they act???? Why don't they see the wrong in what they are all doing???? Any ways there is no point in me pondering over it...... Things have gone way back, out of hands..... So the time you have in hands, utilize it to the fullest....Smile & make others around u smile!!!! Live all those happy moments u can with your near & dear ones..... Because, that is all that matters, at the end of the day....
Speaking about the happy moments, I had one such moment just recently...It was my mom's birthday..... YAY!
A time to celebrate the Birth of that woman, who was meant to mother me, by destiny.....
I wished, she celebrated many more birthdays, with her family, forever.....I cannot imagine my life without her.... The thought always scares me & brings tears to my eyes.... My heart feels heavy with the thoughts..... & I pray to God, " never make me miss her, in my life, forever".....
There is a lot of SOLACE.... in that very word...MOTHER!!!!!!!!! And all mothers look alike.... They are no different from the other..... Their very presence in our lives, give us all the strength & courage, we require.....
As usual, I indulged myself in preparing a lovely card for her... I got all my greets paraphernalia out of the box or rather out of my drawer, & started outlining a thought & theme in my mind.... Hmmm...... there it came as a breath of fresh air, from my window......
The thought of an open window (as a metaphor), with enough light & ventilation... like she is in my LIFE!!!! with gifts & wishes being showered on her, through care & devotion..... That's it, could not wait longer & got into seeing it coming true..... I know & understand that -
“No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you - life”..................
And Voila!!!!!! Here it was.......what I could transform my thoughts into.....

I wished her over the phone, by morning, & we were supposed to meet up at her place....for a relaxed after noon lunch.... but I was late.... after winding up with all that me & Kuku, were held up with, I made it to her place by 2:00 pm.
My dad was pissed off with me, as usual.... But yes, it was my fault too...this time.... I forgot that he had to have his lunch earlier or rather on time, as he had been diagnosed with Diabetes...... He finds it hard to withstand his hunger pangs for long... He has to take his daily dosage of meds too... So I am sorry for that delay..... May be Yes, I could have informed him, before hand that I would be late, but in vain.... It totally went out of my mind.... I have tied a knot, with that reminder, in my mind.....
That's Amma / Maa..... smiling for my snap shot...... SMILE PLEASE!!!!!!! Click!!**

We had planned to go far, for lunch.... to the Tiffanys.... That's a favorite place of dad.... He loves the relaxed buffet lunch there, with a glass of beer or I don know what!!!! to sip on...... But since we were late to head to that place, we made it to a restaurant near by at Seshadripuram..... It was also quite close to all our hearts as that was the place, we frequented, as kids, with family of course...... It had changed totally but we were happy & nostalgic with the preps pleasing our palates...... My favorite Chilli Chicken, was totally yum! We tried something called as Hari Dhaniya Chicken, which was very catchy, with its taste.....Loved it with the butter naan, we ordered.... And lunch is not complete without rice....hence came the ghee rice, onto our table.... SPLENDID!!!!! RICH!!!!! AROMATIC!!!! was the consistency of the ingredients in it....... Very grainy & yummy.......
And then finally came the "I scream...U scream....Both scream For Ice Cream" ....

But frankly speaking, did not like it..... As it neither had the look nor the taste of an original Butter Scotch ice cream..... Hmmmmmmmmm......... That was the end of our lunch saga.....
Then we returned back home & was with dad, mom & sis in-law, for sometime & left to my home...... And gave Kuku a detailed report of my Funday! Hence spent the 4th of December......
And mention of thanks for the few 'passed on appreciations', some of which I did not have.......New! New! New! ;-)
I would love to thank Sushma Mallya from Authentic Food Delights, for the awards she passed on........

I would also love to thank Shailaja from Sailaja Kitchen & Sarah Naveen from Vazhayila! , for passing on these cuties too.....

(applauds............. & thank yous........ )
And yes Last but not the least....... I won, at the Give Away contest held by Jane from
Jane Melinina Designs .
I loved the lady bugs, but still I love the one that I've won too......The Funny Birds Decal.... Thanks a Ton, Jane!!!!!
That is simply not it.... She has posted another Great Giveaway!!!!!! That means another chance I stand to win......Yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Another Giveaway....... My Way....." LOL! But yes, I would love to.... Anyone would... It makes u realize that few small dreams... DO COME TRUE!!!!

And this time it is my favorite Moon Wall Decal..... I have always wanted this.... Can say desperately wanted....... Simply because of its feel......

Those love birds in the moon light..... Are very romantic....Just like me & my kuku....
For me, it would forever be, my favorite MOON WALL DECAL STICKER...for the simple reason that, I would only choose my Love forever & I very much see it alive in this sticker.... it resembles us....Love Birds Forever!!!! I see my 15 years of Love & affection in them..... I would love it on my bedroom wall.... that portrays our love for each other..... The very thought makes me emotional, shy & on the ninth cloud.....
Thanking One & All....... Happy Blogging!!!!! Happy Celebrations!!!!!
KEEP THE FAITH.....................
12/11/09, 12:15 PM
India Standard Time}
"A mother in your life makes your life dessert 'ed & out of your life makes it deserted...." - Ash...
I know it's been days since I've posted..... I have not been able to post regularly as earlier....That's because of my health issues...I've not been preparing anything much, in my kitchen, with that same zeal.... But still, I know, that doesn't stop us from living....I gotcha do something.... I think the last I posted was by the end of November....It's past 10 days of this new month....& it is the end of the year already...... Time Fly's.... You don't get to know it, too.... It feels like just yesterday we came back home, from my mom's place after welcoming the New Year.....scared till I reached home, of the guys on the street or rather the hooligans, just bullying around for their so called FUN! And it comes as a shock, that the year has passed....Time to welcome another new year with some new wish list & some old to carry forward.I don't understand where we are all heading towards, in such a Zooooooooooom!
Is it 2012 ????????????? The so called destructive year.....As I have heard, few yester years were also predicted to be destructive....But though one can say that those forecasts or predictions have not come true, I personally see the world climbing every step towards it....All the unforeseen incidents, the virus in the air, the miss happenings around.... Predicts 'that' for sure...... With the inhabitants of this world, moving towards destruction in their deeds, words & thoughts, we are all heading there..... no doubts.....DESTRUCTION! The 'D' day.......
In a way good... I personally see no end to all this..other than the 'D' word.... of the world.... Let a new era begin... where living beings start from scratch, start with small struggles to make their place, start with good thoughts.... Again a Vicious circle, where the phase appears to be good at first view, but in actual is fallacious..... Good to Bad..... Construction to Destruction..... All that starts has to end somewhere..... Because Good & Evil are the two faces of the same coin.... they go hand in hand.....
Why don't human beings think before they act???? Why don't they see the wrong in what they are all doing???? Any ways there is no point in me pondering over it...... Things have gone way back, out of hands..... So the time you have in hands, utilize it to the fullest....Smile & make others around u smile!!!! Live all those happy moments u can with your near & dear ones..... Because, that is all that matters, at the end of the day....
Speaking about the happy moments, I had one such moment just recently...It was my mom's birthday..... YAY!
A time to celebrate the Birth of that woman, who was meant to mother me, by destiny.....
I wished, she celebrated many more birthdays, with her family, forever.....I cannot imagine my life without her.... The thought always scares me & brings tears to my eyes.... My heart feels heavy with the thoughts..... & I pray to God, " never make me miss her, in my life, forever".....
There is a lot of SOLACE.... in that very word...MOTHER!!!!!!!!! And all mothers look alike.... They are no different from the other..... Their very presence in our lives, give us all the strength & courage, we require.....
As usual, I indulged myself in preparing a lovely card for her... I got all my greets paraphernalia out of the box or rather out of my drawer, & started outlining a thought & theme in my mind.... Hmmm...... there it came as a breath of fresh air, from my window......
The thought of an open window (as a metaphor), with enough light & ventilation... like she is in my LIFE!!!! with gifts & wishes being showered on her, through care & devotion..... That's it, could not wait longer & got into seeing it coming true..... I know & understand that -
“No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you - life”..................
And Voila!!!!!! Here it was.......what I could transform my thoughts into.....
I wished her over the phone, by morning, & we were supposed to meet up at her place....for a relaxed after noon lunch.... but I was late.... after winding up with all that me & Kuku, were held up with, I made it to her place by 2:00 pm.
My dad was pissed off with me, as usual.... But yes, it was my fault too...this time.... I forgot that he had to have his lunch earlier or rather on time, as he had been diagnosed with Diabetes...... He finds it hard to withstand his hunger pangs for long... He has to take his daily dosage of meds too... So I am sorry for that delay..... May be Yes, I could have informed him, before hand that I would be late, but in vain.... It totally went out of my mind.... I have tied a knot, with that reminder, in my mind.....
That's Amma / Maa..... smiling for my snap shot...... SMILE PLEASE!!!!!!! Click!!**
We had planned to go far, for lunch.... to the Tiffanys.... That's a favorite place of dad.... He loves the relaxed buffet lunch there, with a glass of beer or I don know what!!!! to sip on...... But since we were late to head to that place, we made it to a restaurant near by at Seshadripuram..... It was also quite close to all our hearts as that was the place, we frequented, as kids, with family of course...... It had changed totally but we were happy & nostalgic with the preps pleasing our palates...... My favorite Chilli Chicken, was totally yum! We tried something called as Hari Dhaniya Chicken, which was very catchy, with its taste.....Loved it with the butter naan, we ordered.... And lunch is not complete without rice....hence came the ghee rice, onto our table.... SPLENDID!!!!! RICH!!!!! AROMATIC!!!! was the consistency of the ingredients in it....... Very grainy & yummy.......
And then finally came the "I scream...U scream....Both scream For Ice Cream" ....
But frankly speaking, did not like it..... As it neither had the look nor the taste of an original Butter Scotch ice cream..... Hmmmmmmmmm......... That was the end of our lunch saga.....
Then we returned back home & was with dad, mom & sis in-law, for sometime & left to my home...... And gave Kuku a detailed report of my Funday! Hence spent the 4th of December......
And mention of thanks for the few 'passed on appreciations', some of which I did not have.......New! New! New! ;-)
I would love to thank Sushma Mallya from Authentic Food Delights, for the awards she passed on........
I would also love to thank Shailaja from Sailaja Kitchen & Sarah Naveen from Vazhayila! , for passing on these cuties too.....
(applauds............. & thank yous........ )
And yes Last but not the least....... I won, at the Give Away contest held by Jane from
Jane Melinina Designs .
I loved the lady bugs, but still I love the one that I've won too......The Funny Birds Decal.... Thanks a Ton, Jane!!!!!
That is simply not it.... She has posted another Great Giveaway!!!!!! That means another chance I stand to win......Yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Another Giveaway....... My Way....." LOL! But yes, I would love to.... Anyone would... It makes u realize that few small dreams... DO COME TRUE!!!!
And this time it is my favorite Moon Wall Decal..... I have always wanted this.... Can say desperately wanted....... Simply because of its feel......
Those love birds in the moon light..... Are very romantic....Just like me & my kuku....
For me, it would forever be, my favorite MOON WALL DECAL STICKER...for the simple reason that, I would only choose my Love forever & I very much see it alive in this sticker.... it resembles us....Love Birds Forever!!!! I see my 15 years of Love & affection in them..... I would love it on my bedroom wall.... that portrays our love for each other..... The very thought makes me emotional, shy & on the ninth cloud.....
Thanking One & All....... Happy Blogging!!!!! Happy Celebrations!!!!!
KEEP THE FAITH.....................
kitchen queenDecember 11, 2009 at 7:20 PM
Hi Ash,it was wonderful reading all that u have written.My hearty belated birthday wishes to ur mom.May she have a long and contented life seeing a beautiful daughter like u.Your tribute to motherhood is very touching and affectionate.Nobody on this earth can replace a mother.Congrats on ur awards and keep rocking in the future with many more to come.All my best wishes to u for a lovely future.
prasuDecember 11, 2009 at 7:42 PM
Whsihes for ur Mom from me tooo dear.....congrats on all ur awards and for winning Funny Birds Decal....and whishing u good luck for ur Moon Decal.......with love birds just like u couple......
Sarah NaveenDecember 11, 2009 at 7:49 PM
Ash...Belated birthday wishes to your mom...Such wonderful gifts you have made for her..she looks pretty too...
Its truly a very touching post dea.I celeberate my birthday tomorrow and i was thinking about all those 24 years behind, and all memories are with my MOM.and i miss her so much.You are lucky you are near to her.I wish my mom was here, miss her so much
.they are such strength for us.i think no words could explain what they mean to us...
Congrats on all ur awards sweetheart...
Sailaja DamodaranDecember 11, 2009 at 8:18 PM
Congrats!!!!!!!!! u deserve it.
sangeetaDecember 11, 2009 at 8:48 PM
hey chirpy birdie....convey my wishes to your mom..
and congrats for all those lovely awards and for the contest win !!
awesome read it has been..
be happy n cherish the moment !!
ElizabethDecember 11, 2009 at 8:50 PM
Many happy returns to your mother and I hope she had a lovely day. What a pretty card you made!
Let us all hope for a happy and peaceful new year all over the world.
Sushma MallyaDecember 11, 2009 at 9:28 PM
Hi ash,how r u feeling,i hope much better,...and wish ur mom on my behalf,wish she celebrates many more b'day with her loved ones always...u really write so well,i always enjoy reading it....and congraz on all ur awards,u deserve each and every one of it...do take care and get well soon....
Renuka Bedre - RaoDecember 12, 2009 at 12:24 AM
Such a beautiful post and awesome cards..Belated Birthday wishes to your mom..Get well soon!! TC..
vineethaDecember 12, 2009 at 1:12 AM
First time in ur blog...U have a Fabulous blog...All ur recipes looks mouthwatering...Very beautiful template.U r a good writer too..Will definitely follow u :)
UshaDecember 12, 2009 at 1:40 AM
Happy Birthday to your mother, hope she had a wonderful day !
ReplyDeletekothiyavunuDecember 12, 2009 at 3:43 AM
How is ur health? hope ur doing better..Take care.
What a pretty card you made! Belated happy b'day to ur mom!!
Congrats for all ur awards!!!
LaavanyaDecember 12, 2009 at 5:37 AM
What a beautiful card - am sure your mother was touched. Birthday wishes to her.
Magia da InêsDecember 12, 2009 at 3:31 PM
Olá, querida amiga!
Voltei porque fiquei com saudade.
Seu cantinho me inspira... cada vez está melhor.
Um ótimo fim de semana!
Itabira - Brasil
AshKukuDecember 12, 2009 at 4:04 PM
Magic Ines said ...
Hello, dear friend!
I came back because I was missing.
Your corner inspires me ... more is better.
A great weekend!
Itabira - Brazil
Aruna ManikandanDecember 13, 2009 at 6:02 PM
Hi Ash
My Belated Birthday wishes to ur mom.
Such lovely cards love them all.
and congrats on ur awards. U deserve them all.
Keep Rocking!!!!!
Veda MurthyDecember 14, 2009 at 8:26 AM
hey asha!
visiting your blog for the 1st tie i think! lovely read! u have a very good way of writing! will follow ur blog 4 sure!
AshKukuDecember 14, 2009 at 11:38 PM
Thanks a ton, for all the love shared on my post....
Those words were all touching & the wishes, doubled my joy on my mom's birthday..... I thank One & All.....for all their love.....
ChitraDecember 16, 2009 at 11:25 AM
Hi ash, how r u ? Iam sure u enjoyed well on ur mom's bday.Card looks awesome..Nice write up as always :)
Take care..
Angie's RecipesDecember 16, 2009 at 7:15 PM
Oh sure....I would love to have the seconds too!