10/25/09, 8:45 PM
India Standard Time}
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe that I'm being appreciated with awards....
I still remember the day I started with my blogging activity.... My inspirations were several blogs, whom I visited frequently for recipes..... Eg., Mane Adige, Aayis Recipes, Veggie Platter etc., I was really impressed by comments & exchange of views & appreciations....
I'm a Leonine.... and Leos crave for appreciation..... I love to be appreciated for my work... for it's worth.... It keeps me going...motivates me to go further.....No man's perfect... but we all can try to be.... If not perfect, we would surely be able to reach a step near it... No harm.... !!!!!!
After I quit my job.... I was idle & relaxing for months...just being with my hubby every moment, cooking for him...loving him all the more....going through the success of our love story... watching my wedding snaps & videos..... etc., etc., As I went through these above mentioned blogs, a light lit "ting" & mere bhi man mein laddoo phoota..... & I thought why not?????? I would be able, tooooooo....!!!!!
So started off with it.... referring other blogs & other related info on the net.... I gave it my very much loved name.... "ASRA" which is a combo of me & my hubby's names.... ASHA + RANJIT...
Since my name was all about hope...& my achievement of that of my marriage to my Love, was all based on that...... I thought "ASRA"...ASHAON KA would be apt.
It started off as a try...which went on to be an improvisation...which is now I feel a habbit....
And Habits, seldom DIE....
You remove a H, 'a bit' is there.... You remove the A, 'bit' is still there....You remove the B now & 'it' is still there......... THAT IS THE magic of HABIT!!!!!!!!
I hope it does not turn, to be an addiction....
After starting off with my "ASRA", I was all alone with it for quite a few months...Then peeps started joining me one in 2 months, a comment in a month was more than I expected... but I still held on to it. I started loving it... And as days passed.... I started visiting peeps at their blogs & peeps started visiting me...
And here I am celebrating my first award-s.... I wanted one & Indu & Priya conferred 6 & 2, on me respectively..... I am so honoured with these kind jestures of appreciations. I wanna thank them, from the bottom of my heart..... THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It means a lot..........
I've also been appreciated by Sushma Mallya & she has shown her appreciation through an Aired 'Bare Hug'..... ;-)
Indu has also passed, an overwhelming 'Inspiration Award'..... I do not know if I inspire her or not....But for sure she has inspired me.....honoring me with my blog life's first 'Blogfare' award......
And I promise Indu, to touch another life.... by tagging a new blogger, who has just started off with her life here.....
It feels gr8 to be appreciated by the who's who of THE 'BLOGGY' WOOD!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Indu from KhattaMeethaTheeka , Sushma from Authentic Food Delights, & Priya from Priyas feast, where I participated in the Diwali 2009 contest, held by her, & which was a grand success.
I would like to congratulate all the winners of Priyas Feast - Diwali 2009 & the other participants ..... personally. ALL THE BEST...Gr8 going!!!!!!

I still remember the day I started with my blogging activity.... My inspirations were several blogs, whom I visited frequently for recipes..... Eg., Mane Adige, Aayis Recipes, Veggie Platter etc., I was really impressed by comments & exchange of views & appreciations....
I'm a Leonine.... and Leos crave for appreciation..... I love to be appreciated for my work... for it's worth.... It keeps me going...motivates me to go further.....No man's perfect... but we all can try to be.... If not perfect, we would surely be able to reach a step near it... No harm.... !!!!!!
After I quit my job.... I was idle & relaxing for months...just being with my hubby every moment, cooking for him...loving him all the more....going through the success of our love story... watching my wedding snaps & videos..... etc., etc., As I went through these above mentioned blogs, a light lit "ting" & mere bhi man mein laddoo phoota..... & I thought why not?????? I would be able, tooooooo....!!!!!
So started off with it.... referring other blogs & other related info on the net.... I gave it my very much loved name.... "ASRA" which is a combo of me & my hubby's names.... ASHA + RANJIT...
Since my name was all about hope...& my achievement of that of my marriage to my Love, was all based on that...... I thought "ASRA"...ASHAON KA would be apt.
It started off as a try...which went on to be an improvisation...which is now I feel a habbit....
And Habits, seldom DIE....
You remove a H, 'a bit' is there.... You remove the A, 'bit' is still there....You remove the B now & 'it' is still there......... THAT IS THE magic of HABIT!!!!!!!!
I hope it does not turn, to be an addiction....
After starting off with my "ASRA", I was all alone with it for quite a few months...Then peeps started joining me one in 2 months, a comment in a month was more than I expected... but I still held on to it. I started loving it... And as days passed.... I started visiting peeps at their blogs & peeps started visiting me...
And here I am celebrating my first award-s.... I wanted one & Indu & Priya conferred 6 & 2, on me respectively..... I am so honoured with these kind jestures of appreciations. I wanna thank them, from the bottom of my heart..... THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It means a lot..........
I've also been appreciated by Sushma Mallya & she has shown her appreciation through an Aired 'Bare Hug'..... ;-)
Indu has also passed, an overwhelming 'Inspiration Award'..... I do not know if I inspire her or not....But for sure she has inspired me.....honoring me with my blog life's first 'Blogfare' award......
And I promise Indu, to touch another life.... by tagging a new blogger, who has just started off with her life here.....
It feels gr8 to be appreciated by the who's who of THE 'BLOGGY' WOOD!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Indu from KhattaMeethaTheeka , Sushma from Authentic Food Delights, & Priya from Priyas feast, where I participated in the Diwali 2009 contest, held by her, & which was a grand success.
I would like to congratulate all the winners of Priyas Feast - Diwali 2009 & the other participants ..... personally. ALL THE BEST...Gr8 going!!!!!!
kitchen queenOctober 26, 2009 at 12:49 AM
Hi Ash congrats on ur awards.you have posted them beautifully.You really deserve the award.all the best for more to come .Keep it up.
Sangeetha SubhashOctober 26, 2009 at 2:15 AM
Congraz on ur awards asha,hope u get lots more in near future,do keep in touch and hope to c u around more often...take care
SushOctober 26, 2009 at 8:53 AM
hearty congrats..,first award means a lot to us right? I can understand.., how happy you'll be now.
Sailaja DamodaranOctober 26, 2009 at 10:14 AM
Sushma MallyaOctober 26, 2009 at 10:28 AM
Hi ash, was nice reading it and u truely deserve all these awards too...wanted to add one more award to your list...pls do come and collect it
RohiniOctober 26, 2009 at 5:14 PM
Congrats Asha.. My first time here, blog-hopped from Kitchen Queen's page! You have a great space out there!!
Pls do visit mine when time permits. Till then, happy cooking and happy blogging!! :)
prasuOctober 26, 2009 at 5:19 PM
hi deear congrats on all ur awards......
tinaOctober 26, 2009 at 5:54 PM
Many congratulations to you on your award! I tell you anyone who takes the time to write and share and be a part of this blogging community truly deserves all the kudos and awards there are to be had! Congrats again! I loved the story of how you got started. Watch out though, it can be addicting...
ChristinaOctober 27, 2009 at 6:24 AM
Thank-you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment... Congrats on your award, very well deserved.....
((Hugs)) Christina
PariOctober 29, 2009 at 1:49 PM
Hi Again Asha.
Loved the thought behind your blog's name.
Congrats on all the awards and so well presented dear.